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Blow the Dough

The Top 12 Differences Between the New $20 Bill and the Old $20 Bill

12> Andrew Jackson now wearing a single glove and accompanied by his sister, Latoya.

11> Special counterfeit-proof "watermark" contains actual sample of Alan Greenspan's DNA.

10> Look, it's rip-proof! Oh, hell....

9> Radically improved scratch-n-sniff technology allows holder of bill to smell the rotting corpse of Andrew Jackson.

8> WooHoo! The new one is 2-ply!!

7> Thanks to new "StripperStick" coating, they adhere directly to the skin of exotic dancers.

6> New $20: Tiny watermark depicting Joe Q. Taxpayer taking it in the butt again.

5> Federal Reserve now referred to as "The Notorious F.E.D."

4> To deter counterfeiters, all new bills feature a watermark of a naked Janet Reno.

3> Less smoke and new, springtime fresh aroma when used to heat Bill Gates's home.

2> Old bill: Produced by U.S. Treasury. New bill: Produced by Sean "Puffy" Combs.

1> New bill buys even less than old bill.

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