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Dreamin' of Genie

What does a man have to do to attract women?

Consider the fellow walking along the beach who spotted an antique lamp half buried in the sand.

He picked it up a rubbed it -- out popped a genie who was willing to grant three wishes.

"All right," the beachcomber said. "I'd like a million dollars." Within seconds $1 million was indicated on his checkbook balance.

"Second, I'd like a new Mercedes." Again, within seconds a new luxury car appeared right in front of him.

"Finally, I'd like to be irresistible to women."

Sad to report the beachcomber turned into a box of chocolates.

book coverThe Ground Beneath Her Feet

A secretary, a paralegal and a partner in a city law firm are walking through a park on their way to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out in a puff of smoke. The Genie says, "I usually only grant three wishes, so I'll give each of you just one."

"Me first! Me first!" says the secretary. "I want to be in the Bahamas, driving a speedboat, without a care in the world."

Poof! She's gone.

"Me next! Me next!" says the paralegal. "I want to be in Hawaii, relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of pina coladas and the love of my life."

Poof! He's gone.

"You're next," the Genie says to the partner.

The lawyer says, "I want those two back in the office after lunch."
.... leave it to a lawyer to screw ya ...

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