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Cocktails, Anyone?

American in Paris = Kentucky bourbon and champagne

Blood Clot = vodka, tomato juice, and Jell-O

Card table = When you drink 2 of them your legs fold up under you.

Fuzzy Naval Base = peach schnapps, orange juice, and ammonia

HiV+ (for gay bars) = It's Hi C orange juice, V8 vegetable juice, and battery acid.

Honeydew the Dishes = Midori and Dawn

Linda Tripp = 3 oz. of Old Crow on the rocks.

Martinizer = gin, vermouth, and carbon tetrachloride

Mary Poppins = vodka, tomato juice, and a spoonful of sugar, decorated with a paper umbrella Oil of Ole = Mazola and sangria

Ronald Reagan Cocktail: Two and you start feeling senile, at a total loss for words.

Rush Limbaugh Cocktail: two of these and you're a loud-mouthed know-it-all.

Sake-to-me = rice wine, punch, and nitrous oxide

Shirley MacLaine = sugar, carbonated water, ginger extract - syrup, and pomegranate; or what ginger ale and grenadine were in a previous life

Sinead O'Connor = Irish whiskey and Nair

Sonic screwdriver = Vodka & orange juice going Mach 2.

The Energy Crisis Cocktail: Two and the lights go out on you.

The Fuel Shortage cocktail; Two and you're only half-tanked.

The Mona Lisa Cocktail: Two of these and people wonder what you're smiling at.

The Standard Time Cocktail: This one sets you back an hour.

The Communist Cocktail: two of these and you start leaning to the left.

The Exorcists Cocktail: Two and it'll bring out the devil in you.

The Wuthering Heights Cocktail: It's all the rage in England for those who always want just one moor.

Three Men and a Baby = Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker, Jack Daniel's, and Infamil

Three Mile Island Iced Tea = vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and plutonium Top 100 Hot DVDs

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