Whose Line is it, Anyway?

American Version 1998-present
Host: Drew Carey

Premise: Four actors play various games for the merriment of the audience. The points don't matter; Drew just "picks who he likes best" for the final game.
Breaking News: Colin stands in front of a green screen so he can't see the picture he is in. He elicits clues from the two other "reporters" to figure out what scene he is in.
Hoedown: Three non-winners plus Drew make up a song based on a topic from the audience.
Party Quirks: Greg or Denny has three people at a party, and must figure out some weird characteristic they have.
Song Styles: Wayne or Brad sing a song about a woman picked from the audience.
Helping Hands: Drew usually plays this with Ryan and Colin at the end. A scene is played out, but Ryan cannot use his hands: instead, Colin uses his.
90 second Alphabet: Drew and the winner play. The scene is given and a letter is called out by the audience. The first sentence said must start with that letter. The next sentence must start with the next letter, a la "Alphabetics" from Password Plus. The pair has 90 seconds to make it around the alphabet and back to the starting letter.
Sound Effects: One player is in the scene, and responds to sound effects made by another player, and make not make any noise himself.
Let's Make a Date: All four play a game in the style of "Dating Game." The three bachelors each have a strange characteristic that the fourth person must guess at the end.
Weird Newscasters: Two players are anchors, one has a strange characteristic. The other two are also weird, and one does sports, the other; weather.
Props:Players pair up, each with a prop, and must come up with as many uses for it as possible.
Whose Line: Colin and Ryan each get a packet of random lines to place at places in a scene.
Scenes from a Hat: Drew pulls different ideas for scenes to play from a hat, and the four actors give as many ideas as they can.
Circus acts that didn't make it
What penguins are thinking
Unlikely ways to impress women
Bizaree ways to describe the taste of a wine
People you wouldn't want to see at a nudist colony
Dangerous things to do while driving
Strange causes to raise money for
Things that would cause a spit take
rejected mottoes for License Plates
Things God created on an off day
Bad things to hear from the doctor who's operating on you
President Bush's To do List
African Chant: Wayne sings a song to the audience member, and the three others act as backkup.
Three Headed Broadway Star: Drew and the two "winners" sing a song one word at a time, based on a topic from the audience.
Sit Stand Bend (Lay): Drew and the winners play this game, where each person must assume one position, and if someone changes, one other person must also shift to accomodate.
Film and Theater Styles:Two people act out a scence normally at first, but must change styles when Drew buzzes and interrupts with a style change.
Narrate: Ryan and Colin play out a "film noir" scene, taking turns narrating, and acting.
Hats/Dating Service Videos: Each team has a box of strange hats, and must come up with as many different bad dating service videos with the hat.
World's Worst: Drew gives various topics, and the performers must come up with as many examples of the "World's Worst..."
More games as I think of 'em.