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Abortion - Plain murder, or not yet human?

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics at the moment. Is it fine to get rid of fetuses since they are not yet living, breathing humans; or are they already people just waiting to come into our world as individuals?

My opinion on this is that seeing as they WILL be people, they should be given the chance to live. Think of them as practicing people. If an athlete practices, but is not yet good, should they get booted off the team? No, because they wll get better.

But I have to go with the majority of people: in the case of rape or incest, abortion is an option. Though I don't support it, I do think it should be there in case an emergency need arises.

So personally, I am pro-life. But since there will be no way to check every abortion case for validity, I have to say that I'm politically pro-choice.

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