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Round 7
Lazerian IV, Hgarik Docking Facility, About 6:10 am Monday
The Alley, the Hangar, Aboard the Lightwing, Realm of the Force

[Joan]  The pilot becomes absolutely motionless where she stands in the cockpit of the Lightwing. Her eyes staring unblinkingly into space. Joan's breathing slows to almost nothing and what little color she has fades from her skin.

In the other realm, Joan is astounded by her wingmate's vision.  And with vision comes freedom.  Releasing a raptor's cry of joy, Joan hurls herself upward.  Calling to her mate to follow her as wings are stretched and life is celebrated on the wind.  The waterspout, the hurricane -- they are nothing.  Twisted illusions from someone who will never taste life.  What is real is the sky, the life and the call.

[GM]  Joan and Are, the Hakka'Nor and the Kit'Dargent, fly ever upward in the eye of the hurricane.  The storm does not abate, but neither does it close in any further.  Higher and higher the pair climb, until the air is rarified and blue is tinged by the blackness of space.  This does not bother them, however, and they continue their upward journey.

Above the spirit birds a star comes into focus, glowing brightly as it nears.  Both can tell this is their destination, though a feeling of completion permeates Joan just as Are has a moment's trepidation....

[GM]  Joan comes back to what is commonly known as physical reality on the bridge of the Lightwing.  She feels spent but elated, having stretched her wings in a cleansing flight.

She looks around and unexpectedly sees Are standing on the bridge as well.  A blue nimbus surrounds him, and she can see the consoles through his transparent form.

Are feels very strange, coming to his senses standing on the bridge of the Lightwing, looking at Joan.  She looks at him strangely, and he glances down at his own body.  It is a faint blue energy form that he can see right through.  Moreover, Are is standing with his body half in a ship's console and it seems not to matter in the least.

[GM NOTE] Are is a Force Ghost.  Joan recognizes this form of bodiless manifestation.  While he retains all his senses and skills, Are quickly realizes he cannot physically effect anything except through the use of Force powers.
Whether anything can effect him remains to be seen.  Furthermore, Are must make a Control roll every round to maintain cohesion.  (I'll let you know if he fails a roll at the beginning of each post.)  Because of this need for
concentration, Are is -1D to all other rolls.  Good luck.

[Joan]  A half smile tugs at the corners of Joan's mouth -- though her eyes gleam with welcome.  As she takes in her wingmate's condition the smile twists with irony.  Always he pushes himself and always with interesting results.

Joan's voice is quiet.  "Are.  Let us go to our quarters and see if we can repair this.  Bothis and R2 should be to the cockpit soon." Though her voice speaks only of duty, and her face and form are as rigid as ever -- Joan's being leaps with joy that Are has returned with/to her.

[Are]  Are begins to concentrate: where is his body, where is "he" coming from?  If he is not in his body, what is the source / home / destination of himself currently? He is a little excited, angry and panicked. He will start to concentrate on meditative calm.  Feel the Force flow through himself and about himself...reach out with sense and search for his body.  If he can sense it, he will move toward it.  If he can't sense it, then he will search, through sense, for the presence of Machshayfa...

If Are finds his body, he will begin to concentrate on sensing the connection between his self and his physical being -- the Force connecting them -- and attempt to use control/alter to imagine and draw cohesion from his Force Ghost presence to his body....

[DT]  DT perks up the minute the cab is inside the hangar.  After Biff closes the hangar door, she proudly whips the tarp off a turret laser cannon.  The greasy tech smiles broadly as she wipes an imaginary speck of dust off one of the barrels and turns back to Biff.  "She's a beaut, ain't she?  Huh?"

DT looks over at the Rodian and shrugs, "Sure he knows.  You think I lifted this onto the trailer by myself.  Hey, don' worry.  Jymmig's jetted for go."

The turret laser is used but in fairly good condition.  However it is immediately clear that one of the guide struts holding the laser within the turret is fractured.  DT leans confidently back against the trailer.

"So, you guys know whacha want this attached to yet?"  She smiles to the cabbie and then glances back at Biff.  When she sees him looking around uneasily, the tech stands up and scans the docking bay. "What is it, boss?  We gonna get visitors?"

[GM]  Jymmig the Rhodian cabbie parks the vehicle next to the Lightwing and steps out.  He stuffs a chew stick in his tiny mouth and looks over at Wei Ping, who still holds the clipboard.  Around the stick, in accented interlac, he drawls, "So, you with port authority or what?"

[Wei Ping] Wei Ping barely glances at the Rhodian cab driver "Are you brain dead? Do I look like port authority." she glances back at Biff to see what his reaction to the lightsaber incident is. This is, after all, one of his crew mates. It does't feel right to her, but she will wait for Biff to move.

[GM]  As Aeon looks back at Sha Ahree, the time-lost Jedi student shakes his head.  "No, R4 missed me, thanks to Vritt's warning.  I seem to be developing a migraine.  Maybe a delayed reaction from that frozen bacta."

Sha [having rolled poorly on his perception] is concentrating on Aeon and R4, who Aeon is helping upright.  That concentration is broken as another clang echoes in the docking bay. 

Betty -- or rather Betty's torso -- slams to the ground next to the trio.  It hisses and sparks from the hideous rent that used to lead to her lower chassis.  Betty's voice box seems to be stuck, repeating, "Nice to see you about, Master Arrrrrrrrr..... Nice to see you about, Master Arrrrrrrr....  Then it fades into oblivion.

Vritt whistles with shock.  "Boss, it just be rainin' droids on Lazerian." Before anyone else can react, another figure drops to the tarmac and stands over Betty's severed form.

It is Are Miklot.

Sha's eyes, always keen to the infrared spectrum, notice a subtle change since the last time he last saw Are.  [Rolled good on that PER roll, folks.]  Less subtle and more alarming is the activated lightsabre in Are's hands, humming and casting an eeire glow in the shadow of the Lightwing.

Are's face twists into a maliciously gleeful expression. "Well," he says in haughty tones slightly wrong for the Batellian Jedi.  "Now I see what the fuss is about.  This *is* a wonderful toy."  He looks cruelly at Sha and Aeon.

"So.  Who else wants to play?"

[Sha] Realizing something is badly wrong, Sha will immediatly go on the offensive if possible, the defensive if necessary. [To GM: Sha's actions depend upon distance and facing. His first choice is to use his hopefully suprising reach and speed to grab Are's lightsabre before he can react. He does not intend to take it from him, rather grabing over the top of Are's hands, immobilizing the lightsabre and preventing him from doing anything else with his hands (after all, what human could be as strong as him...). If Sha thinks he is too far away or facing the wrong way, he will instead move quickly away, drawing his blaster. He will shoot only if Are attacks Sha or Aeon.]

[GM] Having moved closer to the Lightwing, Wei Ping sees two humanoids under the hatch now, bending over an R2 or R4 class droid on the tarmac.  A small airborne droid of unknown configuration hovers nearby.

Suddenly there is a clang and a strange glow.  In the flickering light, Wei Ping recognizes Sha, Aeon, and Are, who seems to be holding a...lightsabre?  But that's impossible -- General Skywalker is the only one in the Republic with
a working lightsabre, isn't he?

DT hears the clang, but it just sounds like regular ship noises to her.  Probably someone moving a container.  Biff, however, hears more.  Though he cannot see what is happening, there is a group of figures under the Lightwing, and he can definitely hear the distinctive hum of a lightsaber.

[DT]  'Dang', DT thinks as she hears the clang under the ship.  'Ain't that always the way?  Rich kids don't know what they got.  They probably gonna knock the cri-tat out this beaut moving shondo 'round like that.'  The tech spares a moment's pity for the poor Lightwing in the hands of such obvious incompetents.

Then, she refocuses on Biff and the strange look on his face.

"Ah, c'MON, Boss.  Gimme some vectors here.  Trouble comin?  Where?"  A highly modified -- and illegal -- blaster finds its way out of the the tech's bulging pockets and into her hand.  Despite the appearance of the weapon, DT looks around for cover and retreat options.  Best part of valor and all that.

[Biff]  Biff after a moment of shock upon hearing an activated Lightsaber,  focuses again on DT.  His eyebrows raise upon seeing the Blaster.   "Please go to the hanger door and make sure it doesn't open."  He  directs his gaze at the taxi driver.  "Stay in your cab and keep your  head down" Biff then turns his back and runs toward the Lightwing.  He  prays to some god (sorry don't have my notebook handy) that the cameras  are truely off as he pulls his lightsaber from his pouch.  He does not  activate it but is reaching out to "sense the force" in the area.

[GM NOTE]  The three characters are about 10 meters (a full move) away from the group under the Ligtwing, and 6 meters from the back of the ship.


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