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Round 6

Lazerian IV, Hgarik Docking Facility, 6:05 am Monday
The alley, the hangar, aboard the lightwing, realm of the Force

The Rhodian cab driver shakes his head confusedly at John Ford.  He glances in DT's direction, whispers "Whatever," and starts the cab forward.

As the cab slowly moves into the hangar, everyone hears a loud clang from underneath the Lightwing.

Along with the floating droid, Wei Ping can see a humanoid moving around under there.  Her comm crackles to life, Betty's voice coming from it:  "This unit is undamaged.  Please advise if I can be of further assistance."

[Wei Ping] Wei Ping moves between John Ford and the humonoid moving underneath the lightwing.

Biff gets a sudden uneasy feeling, but can't tell why.  It doesn't seem to be related to anything that's happening with the cab, but that's all he knows at present.

[Biff]  Biff slaps the control to shut the hanger door and strides over to DT. "Does the Cabbie know what's in there?" Biff points to the trailer. Biff looks distracted during the question, as he is glancing around the  area trying to figure out why he feels so uneasy. [Question for GM: Can I expect visual surveillance (cameras etc.) inside  the docking bay?]

Biff looks around the docking bay and sees the single surveillance camera, but its red telltale light is not blinking.  The camera is only supposed to be on when you leave the bay vacant and request security monitoring.

At the rear hatch of the Lightwing, Sha Ahree reaches the opening just as the R4 disappears.  He hears the clang of the droid hitting the ground, and another voice saying something that sounds like "yikes!"  When he looks down the shaft, Sha sees R4 lying motionless on the tarmac.  The droid's indicator lights are strong but flickering.  Aeon stands near him.  The young Jedi suddenly grabs his head and winces.

[Sha]  Dropping lightly to the ground next to the R4 unit, Sha begins to stand the droid back up and check his status.  While doing so, he glances at Aeon to make sure the droid did not do too severe of damage to his head.

"Greetings Aeon, I hope the R4 unit did not hurt you badly.  Friend Bothis lost his grip on him when we almost collided in the corridor.  You must excuse him, he was hurrying to the bridge as ordered by Shipmaster Blackhawk."  [To GM: Having noticed Aeon's pain, Sha has assumed that he was clipped by the droid on his way down.  At this point he is looking at Aeon, and may become aware of other characters/events as he glances up.]

In the Force realm of the Machshayfa, there is a blinding light that surrounds everything, enveloping the previous scenes.  Coming out of this light is the Kit'Dargent, the Silver Kite, Harbinger of History and Are's Vellani totem.

The vision widens and the Kite is seen to be circling alongside Joan's Hakka'Nor totem in a calm clear sky.  Widening even more, the clear sky is revealed to be the eye of a hurricane, the center of a waterspout spiraling up from a dark ocean.  Joan and Are can tell that they are successfully resisting the Machshayfa's influence so far, but he doesn't seem to be giving up just yet, as the eye of the hurricane begins to collapse....

[Are] Seeing the kit'dargent and the raptor/Joan flying in this eye of hurricane fills  Are with excited anticipation and angst. Recognizing the storm threat and its power gears  Are to poise for a challenge. Yet almost as quickly a calm realization passes over  Are about the grand beauty in the meaning of this imagery and the purpose of the scheme, of destiny of the force through it all.

The storm, and its Eye, the Machshayfa, and Joan and  Are -- all are fitting together as the forces of our heritage interact and balance the way nature does. The hurricane, like Machshayfa and Vellani culture, are the conflict of dark natures and Force within Are's heritage and in Are; in Joan's and in her; and in the Machshayfa. Yet the eye can symbolize that for the negative condition of the hurricane, there is the eye showing balance in the negative, signaling its eventual return to peace, to the harmonious balance within the Force.

Are begins to concentrate on the balance he has found w/ the force, Joan has found there as well, that they have found w/ each other.  Are concentrates on extending that out to the hurricane -- to Machshayfa, to the Hurricane seeing within itself the Eye, to Machshayfa seeing in himself and Vellani heritage a balance and peace that will reemerge using the force as Are  has begun to find, with the force. Perhaps, Are projects out, that is why Machshsayfa is so drawn to Are and Joan, through us he can be lead to salvation...

Are will concentrate on our flight continuing in the eye, and the eye maintaining, but also spreading as the storm eventually will dissipate returning to the calm weather it was/is in natural state.


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