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Round 3
Star Wars Special Forces Round 3.1

Lazerian IV, Hgarik Docking Facility, 6am Monday
Aboard and around the Lightwing.

[GM]  Before retiring, the characters have spent the night in various pursuits: Joan and Sha had a talk, Biff and Aeon repaired Aeon's droid, R4 and Betty did ship's maintenence, and Bothis watched over the sleeping form of Are Miklot.  Are is still in his comatose state, but has shown some amount of brain activity: a good sign.

Early in the morning, the Lightwing is hailed from the closed cargo doors near the ship's berth.  Anyone (except Are) who wishes to be is already awake, or is awakened by the call.  The ship's comm system is linked to the security cameras at the exterior cargo door entrance.  The screen shows DT standing in front of a familiar-looking taxi cab with a Rodian driver.  Hitched to the back of the cab is a hover-trailer carrying a large tarp-covered bundle.


[Blackhawk] In the tight cockpit of the Lightwing, Joan's black eyes opened  slowly as her meditative state was disturbed.  Much was on her mind, two  Jedi to train, now . . . before the return to the Praxeum.  A grim line  crossed her pale lips.  As usual she did not have the luxury of time.

The Ships' Master's smile(?) changed to a more familiar scowl as a  quick glance at the scanner display revealed the source of her disturbance.   With an abrupt angry gesture Joan threw open the interior comm link of the blastboat.  "John? *That woman* is here and hailing us.  Would you mind seeing what she wants?

Joan flicked off the interior comm without really waiting for a reply.   It wasn't fair of her, but it was the way that she and Biff had agreed on.   Besides Joan was certain that the unfairness of their current situation  would be spread as evenly as the rest of its 'pleastantries' had been.

[D.T.]  Outside on the Tarmac of Lazerian spaceport, D.T. danced impatiently  from one foot to the other.  'F*ck' she thought, looking around at her  exposed surroundings, 'if you can't trust the g*dd*mn mafia - ooops, I mean  *Jedi* (she gave an inward sneer) - to know when your butt was on the line,  who could you trust?'

As D.T. continue to wait, her eyes were torn between the sleek beauty  of the Skipray Blastboat - one of only 835,672 ever made! - before her, and  watching for the carefully absent spaceport security.  'Sh*t!'  That bribe  wasn't going to last forever.  She wished the g*d*mn JEDI would get a move  on.  After all, they'd ordered this baby.  It wasn't like they shouldn't be  expecting her. She waved a calming hand at her Rodian sch . . . friend in the cab and hailed the Lightwing again.

Round 3.2

[Biff]  Biff awakes from a light sleep (the only sleep he tends to get  these days) to find himself standing on the floor of his cabin.  He  stands puzzled for a few seconds as his conscious mind reviews why his  subconscious woke him up.  He quickly wakes up when he glances at the  chrono and realizes that if D.T. (*That Woman* as Joan is so fond of  calling her) is here at this hour it can only mean one of two things.   Trouble with the law or impending trouble with the law.  Biff heads for  the passenger door of the Lightwing to head outside to talk with D.T.   He knows that if he lets D.T. on board Joan will get pissy.

(Note to GM: Biff will immediately head to open the cargo door (from outside if possible) as soon as he sees the hover-trailer behind the cab. Even if it means not talking to D.T. first.)

[Aeon]  Aeon reads the cliffnotes of history form  his time forward. Somewhere in the middle of the Clone Wars, Vritt comes  in full speed ahead. Having most everything back online has made Vritt almost as curious as a cat, and twice as feisty....

Vritt: "Dritt dew zip ter dwop ting ing ing...."

Aeon: "Whoa, slow down! I am still new to this Botchi language you can now speak..."

Vritt: "ting zap brrrr ghtyyyueytio vap!"

Aeon: "There's a person outside with a ladder? So what?"

Vritt: "TING zap!"

Aeon: "A lager? I don't drink."

Vritt: "T-I-N-G  Z-A-P"

Aeon: "A lemur? Oh just say it in GeeTwo will ya?"

Vritt: "Va no....."

Aeon: "Laser!" (The sound of footsteps, and Aeon sees John coming into the cargo area.)  "Hey John! Your up late. Vritt says there is somebody outside with  a ships laser...."


[Sha] Sha is restless and unsettled after his conversation with Joan.  To be offered to train as a Jedi!  But the implications of that offer...  He is trying not to disturb others while working off some of his restlessness.  He is "Spirit Stalking", an art similar to Tai Chi in appearance.  [GM - He will have found the most out of the way place for this that gives him room.]  Upon hearing the hail, he realizes he has spent most of the night at this activity and will not benefit from further efforts.  As there is no reason for haste, he begins to bring the Stalk to a close.  As a newcomer here, it would not be appropriate for him to respond to the hail.

As he enters the final pattern, the hail sounds again.  It follows too soon after the first hail, giving a sense of urgency.  Sha ends his exercise (a warrior must be able to exit at any point with no warning) and goes to the nearest com screen to asses the situation.   Upon seeing D.T., he notices from her body language that she appears agitated (as compared to her normal hyper state, which is always present even when she's been drinking heavily).

"Well," thinks Sha as he heads for the cargo bay, "friend D.T. can always be counted on to provide distractions!"  He realizes that his unease is much reduced, his decision made.  He must face this new challenge, even if no Barabel has ever before been force sensitive enough to receive Jedi training.  Perhaps the Stalk was more helpful than he thought....

[Wei Ping] Wei Ping will contact the ship and pretend that she is ignoring DT. After all, she came to the ship to discuss the matter of supplies, she can't help it if someone else also showed up at the same time.

Wei Ping believes that she will be able to find out more about what is going on if she is right in the middle of everything. .

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