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Gorsha-Rogish Reunion Picnic Album

August 6, 2000

Cleveland, Ohio

Too Long Apart! Much Too Long!!!
<= Clockwise from open end of the table: =>
Darleen Mulholland, Lou Gorsha, Jack Lyons, Samantha Schmidt, Fred Schmidt, Nickie Schmidt, Gloria Lyons, Pat Vodika, Dave Vodika
Some of the First Cousins (left to right): ==>
Gloria Lyons, Frank Gorsha, Samantha Schmidt, Nickie Schmidt, Jackie Molnar, Gary Gorsha, Darleen Mulholland, Pat Vodika
<========== Left to Right
Frank 'Sonny' Gorsha, Tony Ipavec, Libby Ipavec, Pat Vodika

Left to Right: =====================>
Lou Gorsha, Ann [Jasensky Gorsha] Magro, Sharon & Richard Leskovec

Reunion Album Page 2

Page Created: August 16, 2000
Page Updated: October 8, 2000
©Copyright 2000 Gary L. Gorsha