Waterford Lesbian & Gay Pride 1999 - Full Events Listing.


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Friday, July 9th 1999.
8pm  Garter Lane Arts Centre Launch of “Colour in the Streets”  Adm. Free
Photographs of the lesbian and gay community by Christopher Robson, a Dublin architect and photographer whose work has been featured in the press and many books.  The exhibition is a celebration of people, parades & protests photographed mainly in Dublin & New York during the 1990's and receives its premiere in Waterford before touring other venues. Open daily (except Sunday) from 10am to 6pm until Saturday July 30th.
9pm  Garter Lane Arts Centre Pride Double Bill
Featuring live gigs from Zrazy and2EXtreme
Adm. £7.00
  Zrazy are a Dublin duo who emerged in 1992 and have since released 3 albums - 'Give it up' (1993), 'Permanent Happiness' (1996) & 'Private Wars' (1999). Their music styles range from 'Pagan Funk' to jazz, ranging pulsating techno to soft undulating dance rhythms, funky disco to ballads. Zrazy, winners of the Hot Press 'Best New Band' award in 1993, will perform an electronic set at Pride.
  2EXtreme - This Cork based boyband are destined for the big-time, having recently appeared on both BBC & RTE television.

Garter Lane Theatre & Gallery are in Building 2

Saturday, July 10th 1999.

10am to6pm  Garter Lane Arts Centre “Colour in the Streets”  Adm. Free
An exhibition of Christoper Robson’s photography continues in the Gallery.

10am -6pm  Waterford Regional Youth Services buildings, Manor St (opp Club LA) Workshops & discussions Adm. Free
10:45 Poetry & Writing Workshop
11:30 An intensive 1 hour workshop on off the cuff improvisational theatre. - Gerry Forristel, Yellowvelvet Theatre Co.
12:30 Coming Out - Alan Brett, USI LGB Working Group
13:30 Mens Sexual Health - Gay Mens Health Network Dublin
14:30 Relationships
15:15 Out Youth - Under 25 support group
17:00 TV/TG support group - TV/TG Line Dublin
NOTE: All times are provisional. Finalised details from GLSE, Pride website or at Friday evening’s events.

10am -6pm  WRYS, Manor St Non-stop Videos Adm. Free
Running all day, including - Bound, Beautiful Thing, Queer as Folk, Channel 4's Coming Out Night & more.
10am -6pm  WRYS, Manor St. – Kitchens Café Adm. Free
Drop in for a cuppa and a chat. If you're at work or in town, perhaps bring a roll/sandwich and come in for lunch!
7:30pm  Galley Cruising Restaurant Pride Cruise!. Adm. £7.00 boat + £2 bus
Bus departing from Garter Lane @ 7:30pm to New Ross (£2 extra). Two hour cruise from New Ross at 8pm. Bar on board.
10:30pm  Garter Lane Arts Centre Traffic Light Night Adm. £6.00
Majella is a Co. Kilkenny based lesbian singer/songwriter, who has recently released a new album.
Red House are an exciting local covers band.
Which traffic light colour 
will you be displaying?

RED - my lover would be a bit pissed off!
ORANGE - which is the ripest? A choosy fruit picker!
GREEN -  give it to me baby!

Sunday, July 11th 1999.
1:00pm  Woodstown Football  Adm. Free
Bus departs from outside Garter Lane Arts Centre to Woodstown at 12:30pm Cost £1.
1:00pm  Woodstown Beach Beach Party Adm. Free
[Weather Permitting] - Food and drink available from the Saratoga Pub & Restaurant on the seafront, or bring some food for the BBQ! DJ on the beach! Bus departs from outside Garter Lane Arts Centre to Woodstown at 12:30pm Cost £1.
5:00pm  Locky's Wine Bar, Scotch Quay Ultra Camp Table Quiz Adm. £1 / Tables of 4 £4
Prizes Galore to be won for the most outrageous answers! Plenty of laughs guaranteed!


Gay Line South East [GLSE] 051-879907 Wednesday 7:30 - 9:30pm
WIT GLAM Society Email glamwit@angelfire.com
Waterford Pride Committee - Email segals@angelfire.com Phone 087-6859404

Recommended Gay Friendly Accommodation.

Tickets available for the 2 live performances from Garter Lane Arts Centre Box Office from Monday, June 21. Pre booking advisable. Tel 051-855038. Email: admin@garterlane.ie
Tickets for the Cruise are available by email segals@angelfire.com or by telephone 087-6859404. Pre booking essential.

Diasabled Access

Garter Lane Arts Centre is fully wheelchair accessible including toilet. WRYS - all rooms are on ground floor - no steps.

© Waterford Pride 1999 & WIT GLAM Society
glamwit@angelfire.comBack to Pride Index