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"To God Be The Glory"


(A sub-division of "Graphics by Gardino")

by Linda Gardino

I accepted God as my personal savior in 1965 in Children's Church when I was very young, and Brother and Sister Brooks were in charge when that blessed event occurred. I'll never forget Sister Brooks telling me that God had something "special" for me to do for him, which confirmed how I also felt.

Throughout the following years I drifted away from God, and in 1978 I wanted to show Frank, Louie and Duke where I'd grown up. We visited friends in Rohnerville and Fortuna, California and attended a church service at our former church.

Brother and Sister Brooks were sitting in front of us, and after the service I tapped them on the shoulder and told them who I was. Sister Brooks gave me a big hug and asked if we were involved in a church somewhere, and when I told her that we weren't she said, "Remember the wonderful blessing you received when you were young. I still feel that God has something special for you."

It has always made me feel good to help others, and I don't know exactly what I'm suppose to do but I'm sure it'll involve helping people in some way.

A couple years ago I glanced outside at our van that had been just sitting in the yard for about ten years, and I said, "Why don't we see if the Miltons could use the van?"

We met Chet and Colleen Milton when I was a teenager, and they were evangilists who traveled around to different churches with their family. Their daughter Nadine was a year older than me and their daughter Corrine was a year younger than me, so we got to be pretty good friends.

We've continued to stay in touch throughout the years, and Chet and Colleen are now in Mexico Ministries.

So, instead of letting the van sit in our yard and rot, we called and left a message for Chet and Colleen to contact us the next time they were in this area. It wasn't long before they called, and yes, they were interested in the van.

Chet had to do some cleaning of the carborator and things like that since it'd been sitting for so long, but he got it running, bought a new set of tires, and the next thing we heard was that they were on their way to Mexico in it!

One day we were driving down the road when I said, "There's our van!" Sure enough! When it got closer we saw that it was Chet, and I immediately teared up and started sobbing. Frank said that maybe we shouldn't have given it away if it was going to affect me like that, but I said, "No, I'm glad we gave it to them."

What he didn't understand was that I felt as if the van.....a material object.....was doing more for God than I was. You see, I STILL feel that God has something for me to do for Him, but I'm just not sure exactly what it is. I pray that it will someday be clear to me so I can do His will, and I believe it has to do with giving and helping others.

We received a letter from Chet and Colleen updating us on Mexico Ministries, and that night I began to dream. In my dream I was making a webpage for them, and the song "To God Be The Glory" kept running through my mind.

The next morning I got up and turned on the computer, and soon I had a webpage for Mexico Ministries.....just like the one in my dream! I couldn't get the song out of my head, and it didn't take long before I realized that whatever I do.....TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

So.....until I know what I'm suppose to do for God, I will be creating webpages that give God the glory. Maybe this is the little "nitch" that God is leading me towards, and if it is He'll need to give me a lot of instruction!!!

"To God Be The Glory"


(A sub-division of "Graphics by Gardino")

Webpages Giving God The Glory

Mexico Ministries

Vital Signs Chalk Ministry

Tanwax Country Chapel

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