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2005 Weekend training camps
April 16, 2005
We worked one and a half hour and Pointed 9 pair of Huns and 4 pair of Chukar. All three pups allowed me to flush at least one of their finds. Guy had three and a split find and Jazz and Rebel each had four or five. These are just the finds that I saw. A great morning over-all!! Three pictures of Guy and one each of Jazz and Rebel. Guy is bred to Jazz and Rebel's mother, puppies are due in May 2005
April 3, 2005
Guy locked tight on a pair of chukar, April 3, 2005
April 2, 2005
Guy moving up on a pair of chukar, April 2, 2005
March 26, 2005
March 20, 2005
Guy on Point on wild chukar. He roaded in several times very quickly and finally finished with tail at 12:00. He winded the birds some 40-50 yards and went straight into the wind and nailed them. My camera didn't reload quickly enough to get the last stand.
Wild chukar just over the top of fence post on right.
Weekend of February 26, 2005
Guy is on point at the top of the ridge line and Jazz is below and to the left on Point by the sage.
This picture is fuzzy because I had to blow it up to see the dogs because they were so far away. Going down Deep Canyon.
Jazz is pointing and Rebel is sneaking in for a back.
Long Weekend of February 18-21, 2005
Camp at the base of Deep Canyon
Four horses getting their exercise and young dogs getting time on the chain before being worked on wild chukar from horseback.
Young boys pitching in and helping clean-up and stake out the dogs.
Dutch oven full of hearty chill beef and beans heating up for lunch!
Gabe's young setter bitch came into her own this weekend.
Pictured pointing pigeons in electronic traps. Great for helping young dogs get started pointing staunchly.
Jeff Gilbertson's male dog Guy is starting to put it together! After working two days with electronic traps with pigeons and multiple wild bird contacts, Guy nailed three wild chukars in Deep canyon holding for pictures and flush, the following day!
A great time was had by all. Gabe and his two boys spent the weekend in a tent while the old man went back home to take care of the rest of the horses and dogs.