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Photo's from our first room party at Norwescon 21 which was held at the Sea-Tac Airport's DoubleTree Hotel in April 1998.
These photo's were taken by our own Dr. Dark, but we will probably also include photographs taken by other member's at a later date.  All copyrights are retained by the original owner(s).


Robert & sliderule Our favorite Web Master showing that:  Why yes, he does have the biggest sliderule.  And no,  that is not a Microsoft badge.  It's better, it's a Microsnot badge.
Persona Name: Felix Scratchundshif
Microsnot, Inc.
EG Jeffry Hitchen engaged in his plan to take over the world, by Filking his way to the top. Jeff Hitchen
Eric & Ceresa EG Ceressa O'Brien showing EG Eric Wesley just why she will always be one step ahead of him in the quest for World Domination.
EG Snotty Davis showing that look that endeared him so with the villagers. Snotty Davis
Who are these people?

Now, I don't have names for all the people in this picture, but in the front are EGs Paul and Susan (Susan has the cute CD-ROM dress on).

EG Robert Mitchell, who is far too shy, giving his normal response to a camera.
Persona Name: Dr. Quentin Halfmass
Genetic Engineering
Quentin Halfmass

Our Staff Photographer:
Dr. Darke
Dr. Dark AKA:
Richard Hletko

Home ©1998, 1999 <fnord>