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Reunion events

The 2009 Reunion is August 2nd to Aug 7th. Please Plan to attend. Check the link on the main page for more information.

2007 Reunion

2005 Reunion

2003 Reunion

1999 Reunion

Here is the rundown from our '99 reunion held Aug 15 - 20

Most of us arrived Sunday the 15th to cloudy skies and cool temperatures at Loon Lake 4 H camp. We picked out our cabins, unloaded our stuff and said Hi to everyone there. Dinner was at 6:00, Larry and Elna arrived shortly after bringing with them a surprise -- an exchange student from Finland named Anni. We all got reacquainted and hoped that the weather would improve.
Monday the clouds did break and we started to get some sun. It warmed up a little, but some of us used space heaters in the cabins for the first two nights. The kids (Angel, Andrea, Brandon, Kyle, Jennifer, Crystal, John, and Jeffrey) found the canoes to be a fun activity the first day. Some brought fishing gear and did quite a bit of fishing. We got out the Holeyboard and spent most of Monday socializing. That night after dinner Larry welcomed us all and gave some announcements. Jeff then gave a report on the Web Site and gave some brief family history. He also told us about Derek Duffield from Ireland, and all the help he has given in the way of information on our Duffield family Line. That night we had a bonfire and did the smore's thing. Anni had her first smore.
Tuesday the sun was out and the heat was on. Swimming and rope swinging was the order of the afternoon. The dock was full as we sunbathed and occasionally all hopped in the water for a cool down. The water was great, and a nice refreshing OOHHH after baking in the sun. Little Sammy and Jeffrey seamed to be the favorites. They loved to hug each other, and everyone got a big kick out of watching them play. In the evening, many of the adults went into Big Fork to see "Singin' in the Rain at the little Theatre in town. The play was great, and everyone enjoyed it immensely.
Wednesday was another hot one. the good thing was that the mesquitos did not come out in force. Kyle (Alex's half brother) got brave on the rope swing and launched from the top hand rail. He was the rope swing distance champ. We all got a little baked in the sun, some got red and others a little browner. We started some of the tournament play in Holeyboard and horseshoes. The volleyball did not see any action this time.
Thursday, our last full day at the reunion, saw the completion of our tournaments in Holeyboard, Horseshoes, and ping pong. The sun was out and warm again. We attempted to play a little baseball. All the kids (under 18) and Jeff hit the ball around, caught a few, and attempted a game of Pitchers poison. Most of the other adults went to Big Sky Mountain to ride the chair lift to the top and see the mountain. It was a great trip, and highly recommended for next time. We got in our last of the swimming and rope swinging, some of the girls did some more fishing, Jennifer catching 6 fish with only a line and hook. The night ended with a final bonfire and exchanging favorite movie stories. Friday was clean up and move out day. With participation from all we were all cleaned and packed up to go by our 10:00AM check out time. We said our good-byes, got hugs, and wiped away a few tears as we all headed back to our homes. We look forward to seeing you there again in 2001, and hope many more of the family members can attend then. We all enjoy these special reunions and are so glad that we can establish and maintain relationships with family near and far.

Highlights of the '99 reunion:

The tournement results

Some scenes from the 1997 Reunion

More pictures