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Gangfight Report 1

The Dreadnought scenario in action

This is actually the first time I've played the Dreadnought scenario as part of the campaign, as my previous playtesting had no effect on experience, income, injuries, etc. After all, I didn't want to discover that my Scenario was awful after half my gang had been mauled by a bloody dreadnought. The scenario is now exactly how I want it, so the Bootleheads, together with a friends fairly new gang, 'The Unpronouncables'.

Click here to see the Dreadnought scenario.

Deploment was fairly unadventurous- nobody wanted to be the Dread's first victim. The Dread had the first move. The closest target was Fat Bob, but to everybody's surprise the Dread only managed to pin him. One of the Unpronouncables was not quite so lucky, going down to the Dread's great blaster. My opponent was not at all sucessful in shooting down the Dread, missing with his Missile Launcher.

My turn came, so I decided to take the risk of moving into a position where I could take a few pot-shots at the Dread. Manc Killer couldn't penetrate the Dread's formidable armour, but Cinnamon Stick, with his boltgun, could. Unfortunately, his boltgun failed it's ammo roll- he now had to use his backup weapon- an autogun. My heavy manged to penetrate the armour of the Dread, taking us closer and closer to inflicting some real damage on the Dread. Fat Bob recovered from pinning at the end of his turn

The Dread, obviously angry, responded by shooting once again at Fat Bob, who this time went down. I asked my opponent to move one of his men, so my Close combat specialists could get into a position to launch an attack. My opponent refused- I was not pleased. My opponents heavy again missed, annoying me further. However one of his men managed to inflict a lucky would on the dreads legs.

I decided to charge the foolish idiot who refused to move over for my close combat specialists. Shooting was not particularly good. Manc Killer managed to set the dread on fire with his Hot Shot shells, but Scouse, my Heavy, missed. Cinnamon Sticks luck was even worse, with his second weapon failing it's ammo roll! He was now in a fairly useless state. I won the close combat easily. My opponent was not pleased, but we agreed to stop attacking eachother, and get on with sorting the Dreadnought out.

The Dread managed to inflict no wounds put one of my opponents men down. My opponent moved his close combat specialist into a position where both sides could launch an allied attack on the Dread. I followed in my movement phase. In the shooting phase Scouse managed to penetrate the Dread's armour (unlike my opponent, whose heavy missed YET AGAIN! useless...) stopping the Dread from shooting next turn. Fat Bob unfortunately went out of action.

In the next turn we launched an allied attack on the Dread, with the Close Combat specialists from both sides all charging the Dread. They were joined by Cinnamon Stick, who now had no ranged weapons.My opponent's close combat specialist managed an emphatic victory, but with no real strength could only manage to penetrate the Dread's armour once. 'Eadbanger did not win quite as convincingly, but still managed to destroy the Dread's power claw. Wellard delivered the final blow, destroying the Dread's engines. We all suffered strength 3 hits as the Dread exploded, but were thankfully unharmed.

After the gangfight, Fat Bob rolled on the serious injuries table, and suffered shell shock. I was reported to the guilders, but was lucky and they made me a watchman.