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DJ DA BOMB, yet another humble human with a web site about himself.

My Diary

June Twenty-Third of Two Thousand and One.

So my friend Dominic is joining the army... selling his soul to his nation and good O'l George W. Bush. The irony in this matter? Dominic was a huge Rage Against the Machine fan... yet... he's ummm... you know where I'm going with this.
Don't get me wrong, it's not that I oppose the army, it's just that Dominic went and saw Pearl Harbour then went and enlisted.

Just read on MSN.COM today that the US has intercepted 3 messages/threats from Iranian terrorist. They are swearing an attack on strategic American locations on Monday, June 25th. Boy am I glad I'm not in the army.

My friend Titus just got himself a new ride. '95 Jeep Cherokee. I personally would never drive a vehicle that descriminates against Native Americans or any other race for that matter. Cherokee? That would be like driving a car called a Toyota Tibetten, or a Nissan Negro. I told ya, it's not right.

Special Online Employee's Fired by DJ DA BOMB

Dj Da Bomb's Official Web Site hired 89 people to just simply hang out on the chat part of his web site to keep people company and give off the image that his web page was "DA PLACE TO HANG." After only working for 1hr all 89 employee's were fired. Darren Stott said to reporters, "I thought I had the money to pay them and I didn't... my bad."

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