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IMAGES page 1
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Here are some pictures for you to peruse, I hope you like them. Hopefully I will have more to add very soon.

Click on the buttons below to navigate through the picture set.

Picture 1 is a picture of my dad and I, on my graduation day.

Picture 2 is my sister, Lora, and I.

Picture 3 is a picture of my best friend Carl and I on his wedding night.

Picture 4 are all the groomsman for Carl's wedding, I am on the far left side and he is next to me, I was his best man, quite an honor.

Picture 5 is me dancing with Carl & Debbie's son, C.J.

Picture 6 is Carl, his wife Debbie, there son C.J., and the newest one in the familly, Tiffiani.

Picture 7 is C.J. and his sister, Tiffiani.

Picture 8 is Carl and Debbie's newest child, Tiffiani, she was born Nov. 10th, 1999, and was 18 1/4 in. and weighed 5lbs 15oz.

Picture 9 is Cody, Christopher, and Kendra, they are my cousin Dwight and Tina's children.

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