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Welcome, You've got...Courtney!!

Welcome to my very own website!!! It was getting a little crowded at my parents website so we decided to create a site just for me!

Updated...June 12th, 2000

NEW PICTURES - go the the PICTURES INDEX to see all the new PICTURES!!!


Reagan Marie Campbell

About Me!!!
I was born on March 1st 1998. From the time I came home everyone has commented on what a quiet baby I am. I do make a lot of noise - when I want to. (Usually, when I'm home with just my Mommy and Daddy). I am quiet around a lot of people.

I was the first grandchild on either side of my family! That didn't last long though! My cousin Jake was born almost exactly 6 months after I was born (August 29th, 1998).

One of my favorite things to do is go SWIMMING! I love the water! Mommy and Daddy started taking me to swim classes at Children's Hospital when I was 6 months old.

I'm quite a traveler! When I was 6 months old we went on a BIG vacation to the East Coast. We flew into Boston, took the train to New York City, and then went back to Boston before we came home. That was quite a trip! Daddy tells people if I could sleep in my travel stroller through mid-town Manhattan at rush hour, I can sleep anywhere! Mommy and Daddy said I was a great ice-breaker and everywhere we went people said "she's so good", "she's such a cute baby". (Haven't gone on any vacations lately...Mom and Dad!)

My Mommy and Daddy love me very much! They spoil me rotten!!! Can't say that I'm complaining though.

I was Baptized on May 30th 1999. We had a big party with almost all of our family! There are quite a few pictures to look at!!!

I was a HAPPY, HEALTHY breastfeed baby and toddler!

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