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Dan's Home Page

(I apologize profusely for the pop-up banner. It has been made a requirement on all pages by Angelfire. If you leave the original one open, it shouldn't pop up again while you are visiting my page. Just let it fall behind the main page.)

I Am Just A Little Devil!!
Underlined words are all active links.

A Few Things About Me.

I am happily married to my wonderful and beautiful wife Andrea. We have been together for three years and married for one. We have two daughters, CaLynn age 8 and Alexandra "Allie" age 5. They are all wonderful and beautiful. You can see them all on my MySpace. The link is at the bottom of this page.

I am 6'0" tall with blonde hair and hazel eyes. I have an average build, and wear glasses. I am 29 years old.

I played clarinet with the Washington State University Cougar Marching Band.

I have only one sibling. A 27 year old sister named Allyson, with a 9 year-old girl named Zoe, a 4 year-old boy named Chase, a 2 year-old boy named Isaac, and is pregnant with her fourth child.

I graduated in 1997 from good ole Shadle Park High School in Spokane, Washington. Go Highlanders!!

I love water and snow skiing.

I spent about three years at Washington State University.

I think Beagles are the coolest dogs in the whole world. I have this site linked up in memory of my beloved beagle, Skippy. Best dog ever.

I was majoring in Psychology and minoring in Recreation Administration.

I enjoy hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities.

I used to be a lifeguard during the summer months at a Camp Fire Day Camp, and at a local fitness club.

I am a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force Reserves and am oficially trained as an EMT. I absolutely love it.

"Yard By Yard, Life is Hard. Inch By Inch, Life's a Cinch".

Around The World In About Two Seconds.

Still Under Construction (especially the pic page). Please Check Back Again Real Soon.

Click on the puppy to see Snoopy and other Peanuts stuff.

Hey check out my picture page too!

Please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of the page.

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