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Chester T. Rottweiler's Home Page

Born September 1997

Died October 24th 2008 at 4AM


     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety    Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety    
My Favorite Things

Hi I'm Chester, JP Outrageous' new puppy. Actually he got me for his birthday last February. Currently I lack documentation, but I'm very intellegent, I can even open the doors around the house by my self or with the help of Copper, the cocker spaniel that let's me know who's senior. (If he's so damned great, why did he never figure out those lever handles?) Agatha Christie's Miss Marple would probably style me as one of those murder victims who was too smart for their own good. John, (my human), says that I have provided him with a capsule education in psycho-sociology, and political theory and practice, inasmuch as our neighbors whom haven't had a civil word for each other in years, are making common cause to get rid of me simply because I'm a (gasp) ROTTWEILER!

These folks haven't much improved since they were beating up black people, they just have a new target. My human affectionately refers to his neighbors as "that brainless band of torch-carrying peasants", and resorts to a very worn chiche, "never mind the dog, beware the OWNER".

My Current Stud Fee is $150 or pick of the litter!

Wouldn't you love a "little" puppy in your life?

Click Here for JP's Testimonial!
Or is that testimony??????????

My Favorite Links

     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety    Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety     Front Sight - World's Premiere Training for Self Defense and Personal Safety    

JP Outrageous' Home Page - These guys are better than the NRA & NAACP combined.
