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Entering Chem's Mind-- BEWARE!
Chemistry Godess

Thanks for visiting my Homepage. I promise to be short and sweet about my life and the things that make me....well ME.

I am a student at the University Of Washington in Seattle. I'm majoring in, you guessed it...BIOLOGY. Ok maybe that wasn't your first guess but surely your second! Pre-med actually, I will be in school for a very long time, and I know it. Look me up when I am a sucessful doctor, I'll tell you how much it was worth it!

As far as looks, I am fairly tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. I have the typical College Student style....whatever is on top of the pile when I wake up!
You can check out My Picture if you care to see my lovely image!

Everyone keeps saying I don't have enough about me on here. So...
If you want to know anything else, Find me chatting, on ICQ or email me, I'll respond....if you aren't too nutty!

The important people in my life, my family and friends, are everything to me. Without their love and support thoughout my life, where would I be?
Family and Friends

Family Picture Album

I chat on WBS in various rooms, the greatest place to meet tons of people from around the globe! Search for me, I'm sure you will find me!

Its hard to explain my affiliation with a bunch of clams but really they are the best bunch of shellfish i've ever met! Dive on in we will dig you a hole!
Bad Clams

The willow knows what the storm does not: that the power to endure harm outlives the power to inflict it.

I feel the need to add the next few comments because of the questions I have been getting.

I have ICQ. If you do, add me to your lists! UIN # 18799565
If not, feel free to page me!

Thank you for checking out my Homepage. I've worked hard and have learned alot doing it.
PLEASE sign my guestbook. I love to see who stops by.

Leave me something to remember you by! View My Guestbook!

Links: If I think they are cool, they must be

Missing Socks? Look here!
Bert is Evil
Insane & Undeniably Maladjusted Humor
Shel Silverstein material, and a just plain pretty page!
