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 This listing of adventures have all been play tested, numerous times, on numerous groups, by more than just myself.  As a whole these adventures leave no leeway for error.  You mess up, you are dead or worse.  Do NOT underplay these villians, they are all highly intellegent, ruthless, and totally commited to thier goals.  Heroes who manage to temporalily foil the foes presented in this section should feel proud if thier characters survive, and if the character did not survive, they should feel that they were beaten by a worthy foe, not some ball of cheese whiz that crawled out from under a table.
  Like I stated in the last page, these pages are for mature adults.  If you choose to use them and get in trouble with your parents, or do something wrong, don't even try to blame me, I didn't make you look at them, you chose to, and free will is a gift akin to magic.
  Anyway, here they are:
  The Return of Madness-Requires PC's to have Survived RQ4-Night of the Walking Dead
  Death Strikes Twice
  Parlor of the Spiders Levels 1-3, a Ravenloft intro adventure
  Unnamed and Forlorn
  Toys Covered in Frost
  Heart of Ice-Still unfinished
  Claw and Fang
  Isn't She a Doll?-requires PC's to have survived Death Strikes Twice-Also unfinished
  The Last Choking Gasp-Unfinished
  The Blutundbrau Inn-Unfinished
  Tattered Fur
  The Soul of Fire-A campaign that incorperates all of the adventures and the Servants of the Skull NPC group in a quest for an artifact of power.-Unfinished
  Vengeance is Mine!-Requires PC's to survive the Loup-Garou adventure in the Book of Crypts accessory-Unfinished
  Return to Me, Beloved-Requires PC's to play in House of Lament from Dark Lords accessory and survive.

  All of these adventures will rely on the PLAYERS skill, not thier power.  Many of these adventures have taken the lives of both 1st and 15th level characters.  None of these adventures passed without a single fatality except for Parlor of Spiders.  Not to say I'm a killer DM, but merely that all to often, a player get's cocky, and thier PC dies.  That's just the way it goes.