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"She's how old, has two kids and is married?"
  For a long time I was lucky enough to have a very dedicated group of Ravenloft players, and to add detail to a campaign, I began doing a bit of research on the medieval times, and made more that one discovery that surprised me.  With a little bit of twisting in only a few cases, the information was adapted to Ravenloft, and the players loved it, even if some of it truly bothered them as modern day living people on good ol' Terra-Sol.
Playing Hints and Tips for Ravenloft
Age and Duties-Life span and cycles of a Ravenloft peasant
Catch this, Elf-boy!-What demi-humans can expect from Ravenloft peasants.
Ring around the Werewolf-How to cure lycanthropy in Ravenloft
I've come to suck your blood.-Difference between Dracula and Lestat
They did what in Europe?-Historical tidbits
Fifty pounds of onions for that chainmail, are you drunk?-Money in Ravenloft
We just recently got in some Sithican brandy, My Lord, only eight gold links a flask.-commerce and trade in Ravenloft
But Van Richten said!....-Some fun things to twist the PC's up with
Now look what you did!-examples of how a PC's actions can come back to screw them, sometimes literally
But I didn't do it!-Patient Villains Guide to Getting Even
Moldy Oldies for Ravenloft-Redoing Old Modules for Ravenloft
Hall of Fools....Er, Heroes
An Ecology of a Demilich-Something I wrote a long time ago.  No new stats, just a way to play them in Ravenloft.