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LANA ... The lady responsible for my finally updating this page ... see her in my guestbook, she's stunning! And her webpage makes great if sad reading ... her ex was an idiot! I thought it was about time she got top billing on my Friends Page because that is where she belongs!!

dawn ... Florida and Hawaii Chat go SO WELL together! I just don't understand some Florida husbands ... but then again it is a blessing in disguise for men in Minnesota! ;-)

dawn ... my favorite Canadian and WAY OVERDUE here on my friends page! She and I have so much in common considering our age difference! ;-)

Melinda from 30 Something ... those Canadian women have a special place in my CURLING heart! There Betty am I out of your doghouse now! ;-)

Amy D aka Nurse Amy aka LOVIN OVEN aka PENE... Wisconsin is beautiful and so is Amy ... misunderstandings can be corrected ... if only she could make up her mind what screen name she wanted to use! ;-) I've known Amy for over three years, I met her in 30Something and she introduced me to Hawaii Chat where I met the next five wonderful women!

Kimmy...My "neighbor" just south of me in Iowa ... I'll never tell an Iowa joke again! ;-)

Clo (aka la bujita) ... This young lady is a jewel of the Emerald Isle. Mature well beyond her years, I am honored to be her friend!

DaisyMae...The fourth of my new friends from Hawaii Chat.

Phreeki~Chic...The fifth of my new friends from Hawaii Chat ... a beautiful young lady she will be representing North Dakota in the Miss USA Teen Pageant in Orlando in July ... Jackie is 16 going on 26 ;-) ... thanks Amy for introducing me to these four wonderful ladies.

Tracey, "Ricquie" "Elli" and "Holly" ... My gorgeous friends from Dreamnet. I've known Tracey from the earliest days of her site and I'm honored she calls me a friend. Tracey, Ricquie, Elli and Holly prove you can be unhibited as well as intelligent and beautiful. Visit them out at Tracey Nude on the Net.

Chloe...My new friend from Canada ... young, intelligent and attractive ... this lady has a great future ahead of her!

Terri...The wonderful lady who took my picture at Snoqualmie Falls ... she is extremely happy that she did divorce her husband. And I wish her all the happiness she deserves!

Shirl Rae aka HonneeBee... She almost makes me want to go back to college IN MICHIGAN!

Marah aka Summer...It's always SUMMER in Winona, Minnesota because this great lady is there! Unfortunately I haven't heard from her recently ... I guess married life suits her too well ... which couldn't happen to a nicer lady!

Sandy aka Shooting Star...Sandy can count me anytime at the census bureau!

ALady(Gayle)...Going to college in Vermont would be any man's dream if they found Gayle there ... and my original oversight of leaving her off my Friends page is unforgiveable!

Cinnamon Girl aka JennaTalia...Pittsburgh's gift to the net! She deserves to be happy!

Jersey Girl...A sweet lady that can brighten any day! February 1953 produced some GREAT PEOPLE!!!!

Tina...The only lady who doesnt laugh when I say "I CURL"...Northern Ontario must be very lonely!

VIXEN...In a class by herself! One of the many great ladies in Kingston, Ontario...but I hope NOT for long!

Erika...the lady who has the daunting task of figuring me out! It would take a WITCH to pull that off!

Marilyn aka Jenn... There is just something special about Canadian ladies ... and Jenn you are special! Tina already knows how to curl, but I'll give you and VIXEN group lessons anyday!
