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Mary Jo/Joey/Lolly

Mary Jo is the daughter of my father's sister and her husband.   This picture was taken at my apartment on Capital Hill in Seattle in 1972 when she was still a young puppy.   She hasn't seen this picture for many years and I think it will be a surprise - hopefully a pleasant surprise - our family in general has a thing about their pictures.  She has lived in Eastern Washington for several years now.   When married, she and her husband owned an orchard growing a variety of choice quality fruits.  When single again, she sold the orchard and opted for a city house and works full time in an office.  I feel sorry in that we used to be quite close and now I haven't seen her in person for years.  However, that's where email has been a great help - we communicate much more than we did for a long period when we had to depend on snail mail.

dog pictureBesides working full time, she keeps busy raising her Standard Schnauzer champion show dogs (bet I didn't spell "Schnauzer" right).  Pictured here is Jordan - or as he is more formally known - American/Canadian Champion Uhlan out of the Blue.  Though, as I understand it, she doesn't do the handling in the ring, it's almost a full time job in itself to raise and take care of the dogs and attend as many of the shows as she can get to.  The dog show season is long and gruelling.  I keep hoping that someday in the not too distant future that the dogs will be coming this way for a show, that she might accompany them and hopefully we can chat in person once again.


Last update: February 10, 2001.