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Class of 1979

Family Photo Album

Since I returned from the Gulf, I've run into several classmates.  A few of you sent me family photos.  Kevin Wood made the mistake of bringing his family over for dinner, and before I fed them I made them pose for a quick snapshop.  I normally carry some sort of photographic device with me at all times, so be warned...

Scott Nickell and Family

Scott, Brenda, Meagan and Sara Nickell, fall 1998. This was the final voyage of the USS CALIFORNIA CGN 36. CALIFORNIA was the last nuclear powered cruiser in the USN. She has been undergoing de-fueling and will be decommissioned in PSNS this summer.


Dave Norton and Family

Amanda, Cassandra, Sarah, Dave and Andrew Norton.  Dave just informed me last week that he has been selected for advancement to Master Sergeant (E-7). Quite an accomplishment!


Lisa (Johanknecht) Skelton and family

Jilliana and Caitlyn Salo, Lisa, Rick, Sarah, and Casey Skelton.



Kevin Wood  and Family

Jasper, Vicky, Kevin and Kiki Wood.  Kevin has built a reputation as one of the Seattle area's most capable guitarists.  He has recorded several albums, his most recent releases are  DEVILHEAD's debut Pest Control and the follow-up Your Ice Cream's Dirty on Loose Groove Records.

Debbie (Pierce) Madden and Family

Chuck, Annie, Debbie and PJ Madden. Besides being a full time career woman, and dedicated mom, she has be a key person planning our 20th reunion.

Kurt and Cherie (Kingery) Webster

Kurt and Cherie, (stolen from Kurt's "PhotoLoft" page, a project he worked on for HP). 

Kyle Quinn and Family

Direct from Switzerland... The Greg Armstrong Family.

Greg, Christina, Catharina, and Gordon Armstrong.