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Current News - 6/4/99

Lotsa new and good stuff on this one, folks. The roster has been expanded with new entries and persona histories. Two, count 'em, two articles in the Savage Tactics section. The Shaman class in the Cave of the Spirits has been updated to it's final version (hopefully!), and last, but not least, the Hunting Trails page is now several links heavier. Enjoy thyself!

"Welcome," a voice says out of nowhere. Turning around, you see a great gray wolf, it's eyes spearing into you with the force of a thousand souls. "I am your spirit guide. You have come to study the woods and what lies within. You have already been warned by your family and friends, yet you have still braved the unbroken pathways of this forest. Step lightly, brave one. This is not your home." With that, the great wolf lets out a howl that forces you to cover your ears and look away. When you glance back, the wolf is gone, but the howl still remains.

Where will you go now?

History of the Clans - The history of The Pack.
Savage Tactics - Your one stop Barbarian lore store!
Barbarian Roster - Who's who in The Pack.
Cave of the Spirits - Information on the Shaman classes.
Hunting Trails - Links to the outside world.

This page created and maintained by Urso Soulwarden.
Feel free to send comments of any nature.