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For What It's Worth

so in this page, perhaps you will see my writing. on the links, that is. so you can read my words, and tell me if they are good or bad. to tell me that, you mail me at my mail address. you can find it on many of my links.

Ever since I can remember, my greatest fear has been "Becoming Ordinary." It is only now I realize that fear has come true--I am no defferent than anybody else. Not extraordinary, special, or unique, but the same. I lie, cheat, steal; I love, hate, fear--I am human. There is no escaping it. I will graduate high school, attend college, have an endless succession of marriages, affairs, divorces, and children, not to mention everyday (and no doubt incredibly mundane) jobs. My loves will seem, to me, special at the time, but fade into just another thing that was as my life goes on. Nothing special, nothing unique; just the same as everybody else. See, although I may stand out in a small group of people, I have lived with them, and therefore I will die with them. And I will die.
Perhaps in my quest for uniqueness I had a hope for immortality--when I died, I would still live on. but everyone does, don't they? In some small way, at least. And nobody is ever really unique; they're just remembered. Nobody is ever remembered forever.
Though I still say, if I absolutely have to be ordinary, I'll go down kicking and screaming all the way.



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