Heyla, friends aquaintences, and strangers alike.

This is myself, a few weeks ago at a club I have been frequenting as of late. Heh. My "DragonLady" dress. It's nice, but I need new nylons or something, as the last one's died a painful death by my nails.

Welcome to my homepage. I'm sporadically adding new things here, and to each page, so check back regularly for new things. Also pictures of my friends and family.

More recently, my remodeling has been at a standstill for over a year now. Maybe this time I might get something done. Please be patient with broken links, or what seems to be missing. Things are just moving around.

Here's to an interesting relationship, whatever type it may be.

Thanks to my good friend Pheonix for the lovely mouse trails on various pages.

Well, I'm moving things around, so please have patience with dead links and such. March 28, 2005.