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On this, the "ODDITY" page, you will find Kids stuff, fun things, and some hints.. Enjoy!!!


Play Dough

2 1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup salt 3 oil 1 TBSP.Alum 2 cups boiling water ( with Mom’s help ) food coloring of choice Mix the first five ingredients together. Store in refrigerator until ready to use. Color different batches with different colors and store in their own zip-lock baggy. ************************************* Finger-paints

1 1/2 cup cornstarch 1 1/2 cup soap flakes 1/2 tsp. food coloring cold water 4 cups. boiling water ( again with Mom ) Add enough of the cold water to the cornstarch to make a smooth, creamy, paste. Add the boiling water, stirring constantly, until mixture is smooth. When this has cooled slightly stir in soap flakes, making sure they dissolve completely, after a few minutes. Add food coloring for different colors. *************************************** Water Colors

1 TBSP. vinegar 1 TBSP baking soda 4 TBSP. corn starch 1 TBSO light corn syrup Food coloring. Stir together the first two ingredients. This will foam some (great lesson on chemical reaction). Add food coloring. Mix in the last two ingredients. Put in small containers and allow to harden. Use like normal water colors. Make one recipe for each color. ************************************** Nutty Putty (Anyone remember silly putty?) 1 TBSP. liquid starch 2 TBSP. white glue 3 drops food coloring (optional) plastic egg or screw top jar. Put starch in bowl add glue, and let set 5 minutes. If desired add food coloring. Mix until starch is absorbed and color is spread smoothly. HINT: the longer you mix, the better it gets *************************************** KOOL AID JELLY Wouldn't the kids get a kick out of this?
Here is a unique recipe!
1 envelope of unsweetened Kool-aid 3 cups of water 1 box Sure Jell Light 3 cups of Sugar
Stir Kool-aid and water til dissolved, set aside.
Combine Sure Jel with 1/2 cup of sugar;
stir into Kool Aid and set aside.
Gradually stir in sugar, stirring until dissolved.
Pour into clean dry containers and cover
or seal with paraffin or by hot water bath.
If jelly is not sealed then it may be frozen
Makes 4-8 oz jars.

Great for gifts...
Think of the possibility of flavors...
you could even use blue and add gummy fish!
Try this with Splenda for a sugar free version soon!
Sugar-free is a consideration!
*************************************** Cure for Eczema

carrots fresh lard powdered resin sulfur Scrape the carrots and fry them in lard until brown. Drain off the lard and melt in it, 1 TBSP. resin. Stir well, put in jar, when cool mix in 1 TBSP. sulfur. Apply each day. The eczema will soon be gone. This is a speedy cure. *************************************** Delicious Stew

1 Elephant 2 Rabbits ( optional ) salt and pepper to taste Cut elephant into bite size pieces.. This should take about 2 months. Add enough brown gravy to cover. Cook over kerosene fire for about 4 weeks, at 465 degrees. This will serve 3,829 people. If more are expected, two rabbits may be added, but only do this if necessary, as most people don’t like hare in their stew. For a variety.... try half dozen donkeys instead. *************************************** Stomach Medicine

1 lb. sugar 1 qt. water Boil to a syrup 1 TBSP. rhubarb powder 1 TBSP. peppermint 1 TBSP. paregoric 1 tsp. baking soda *************************************** Grandma’s Cough Medicine

Rock candy 1 pt. boiling water juice of 2 lemons juice of 1 large Spanish onion 20 drops of glycerin Bring this all to a boil.. and store in tightly covered jar. *************************************** Recipe for Rheumatism Grind 3 lemons, 3 oranges, 3 grapefruit. Over this pour 1 qt. boiling water. Let stand 7 hours; strain and add 2 TBSP. Epsom salts and 3 tsp. of cream of tartar. Take 3 TBSP. a day *************************************** Floor Polish 1 TBSP. paraffin oil 2 TBSP. vinegar 3 TBSP. naphtha 1/2 bucket of warm water ***************************************
Hard Soap

5 cans lye 5 qts water Let this soak overnight.. lard 1/2 cup ammonia 2 1/2 cups coal oil 2 1/2 cups borax ***************************************
Lucille’s Soap

First take 2 qts of strained grease. Add I pound bag of lye, 1 qt of water, 1/2 cup ammonia, 2 TBSP. Borax, and rose water. Stir til the consistency of honey. *************************************** Window Cleaner Mix in one gallon jar: 1 pt. rubbing alcohol 2 TBSP. liquid dish detergent 3 TBSP. ammonia Fill jar with water. Shake to mix. Use in a spray bottle to clean windows. ***************************************
Lucille’s Paint and Varnish Remover

1 qt stiff starch 2 tsp. lye Mix together. *************************************** Bread Dough Ornaments 2 cup flour 1 cup water 1 cup salt Roll portions of the dough 1/8 inch thick on floured board. Store remainder of dough in covered bowl to keep from drying out. Make ornaments with a cookie cutter. Bake at 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes. ***************************************

How to preserve a Husband Select one fresh from the market. Not too green, but tender and healthy. Handle gently for they bruise easily. Sweeten with smiles. Blend with patience, humor and a pinch of mischief. Do not beat!!! Preserve over a steady fire of warmth and affection. Like fine wine, they mellow with age. Do not pickle or put in hot water. This makes them bitter. Serve with sugar and spice and tender loving care... ***************************************

Boiled Wife Take one cool, fresh, good-natured wife. Add 3 small children, a yelping dog, and a cranky neighbor. Stir well. Blend in equal parts of heat, humidity, dust and stale air. Baste with annoying phone calls, spilled milk, skinned knees, Doctor appointments that won't keep, a pile of ironing to do, and jelly smeared on the rug. Top with a splitting headache. Let mixture simmer in a 98 degree home for about 8 hours, or until boiling point is reached. Test by arriving home from an air-conditioned office with a cheerful greeting! "Did you have a nice day?" Then stand back. ***************************************

Paper Mache 3 cups flour 3 cups water Mix well, and dip strips of paper into mixture. Placing each wet strip onto your project. Let dry. *************************************** Morton's "Dough-it-Yourself" 1 cup salt 2 cups flour 1 cup water Blend salt and flour, adding water, a little at a time. Knead dough 7 to 10 minutes til firm. Place in a plastic bag to keep from drying out. ** Project** Make letters of your name, and place on a cookie sheet and bake at 325 degrees for 30-40 minutes. When done, it will sound hollow when thumped with a spoon. When cool, paint with water colors or food dye. Varnish to keep moisture from dough. Use white glue to attach to a plaque. ***************************************

And here's some

"Not so Odd"

notes for ya..

Cooking Hints *************************************** Never put a cover on anything that contains milk unless you want to spend the rest of the day cleaning the stove when it boils over. *************************************** Anything that is grown under ground, start off cooking in cold water. Potatoes, carrots, beets, etc., Anything that grows above the ground, start off with boiling water. English peas, greens, beans, etc. *************************************** To clean aluminum pans when they are stained dark, merely boil with a little cream of tartar, vinegar or acid foods. *************************************** Slip your hand inside a waxed sandwich bag and you have a perfect mitt for greasing your baking pans and casserole dishes. *************************************** To remove fish odor from your hands, utensils, and dish cloths, use one teaspoon baking soda to a quart of water. *************************************** When rolling cookie dough, sprinkle board with powdered sugar instead of flour. Too much flour makes the dough heavy and tough. When freezing cookies with a frosting, place in freezer unwrapped for about 2 hours.. wrap without worrying about them sticking together. *************************************** Always know where your fuse box and master cut-off switch is. If you know where the lever is to pull you can always cut off the current until a service man, or Fire Dept., gets there.. :-) *************************************** You can cut a meringue pie cleanly by coating a knife lightly with butter. *************************************** You may determine the age of an egg by placing it in a bowl of cold water. If it lays on its side, its fresh. If it stands at an angle it is atleast three days old and ten days if it stands on end. *************************************** A tablespoon of vinegar in the water when poaching eggs will help set the whites so they will not spread. *************************************** If you want to make a pecan pie and don’t have the nuts. Try using crushed cornflakes. They will rise to the top the same as nuts and give a delicious flavor and crunchy surface. *************************************** Cut drinking straws into short lengths and insert through the slits in pie crusts to prevent juices from boiling over in the oven, as this lets the steam escape. *************************************** If the juice from your apple pie runs over in the oven, shake some salt on it, which causes the juice to crisp so it can be removed easily. *************************************** Use cooking oil or salad oil in waffles and hot cakes in the place of shortening. No extra pan or bowl to melt the shortening, and no waiting. ***************************************

Let's clean up and go
on to More Recipes...