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Here we have a little of everything, Punches, Coffee's, Teas, and what-have-you's...:-)


1/4 cup freeze-dried coffee
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. allspice
Place all ingredients in blender and blend for 15 seconds.
Stir, then blend again, for 15 seconds.
Store in tightly covered jar.

To prepare 1 serving:
Stir 1-2 tsps mix into 2/3 cup boiling water.



2-6 oz.cans frozen limeade
2-6 oz. cans frozen lemonade
2-6 oz. cans frozen orange juice
2 qts. cold water
Bag of ice.
2 qts. chilled Ginger Ale
Lime slices

Mix 2-6 oz. (or 1- 12 oz ) of each juice with water.
Pour over the ice in punch bowl and add Ginger Ale.
( makes 60 1/2 cup servings )



1-6 oz. can frozen grape juice
1-6 oz. can lemonade
1 qt. cranberry juice
3-28oz. bottles chilled 7 UP

Dilute grape juice and lemonade with cranberry juice.
Gently add 7UP.
(makes 25 - 4 oz. servings )



5 bananas
1- 12 oz. can frozen lemonade
1- 12 oz. can frozen orange juice
1- 12 oz. can pineapple juice
2 cups water
1- 2 liter bottle chilled 7 UP
Mash bananas in blender and mix with
remaining ingredients, except 7 UP.
Place mixture in freezer until frozen.
Take out of freezer about 1/2 hour before
serving and place chopped up mixture in
punch bowl. Pour in 7 UP and stir til frosty.



2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup sugar
1 TBSP. vanilla
1 tall can evaporated milk
2/3 cup cold water
Mix all the ingredients together in blender.
Makes 1 quart.



2 cups hot cocoa mix
2 cups creamer
1 cup instant coffee
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 1/4 cup sugar
Mix all together. Add 3 tsp. per cup of hot water.



1 cup instant dry milk
2 cups creamer
2 cups powdered sugar
1 lb. Nestle Quik

Mix all together. Use 1/3 cup per 1 cup hot water.



1 part Nestle’s Quik
1 part instant coffee
1 part Ovaltine
1 1/2 parts Coffee-mate
1 1/2 parts sugar

Place all ingredients in a large container and mix well.
When ready to use, place a spoonful into
coffee cup and fill with hot water.



1 cup Tang
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup instant tea
( lemon flavored)
1/2 tsp. cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Add 1/4 cup mix per cup of hot water.



1 cup instant coffee crystals
1 cup hot chocolate or cocoa mix
1 cup non dairy creamer
1/2 cup sugar

Combine all ingredients; mix well.
Store in a tightly-covered jar.
To serve; put 1 1/2 to 2 Tbsp. into a mug
and fill with boiling water.
(makes about 25 or more servings)



1/3 cup ground coffee
1 Tbsp. Vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. Almond extract
1/4 cup Anise seeds.

Place coffee in blender.
In cup, combine remaining ingredients.
With blender running, add flavorings.
Stop and scrape sides of container with
spatula. Process 10 seconds longer.
Store in refrigerator
(makes 8, 6 oz. servings)



1/2 cup drip or finely ground Mocha Java Coffee
4 cups boiling water
4 cups whipping cream

Place coffee grounds in basket of
a French dip coffee pot.
Pour boiling water, a few Tbsp. at a time, over coffee.
Continue until all water has dripped through.
Bring cream to a boil.

To serve, pour 1/2 cup coffee and 1/2 cream in a cup.
Add sugar, if desired, stirring well.
Serve immediately. ( makes 8 cups )



1 1/2 cup non dairy creamer
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. instant coffee
1/2 c. cocoa
Dash of salt
1/2 tsp. peppermint extract
Mix all ingredient except extract.
Stir to remove lumps.
Add extract and mix well.
Seal in air tight container.
Mix 2 to 3 heaping Tbsp. per cup.
Add boiling water.



6 cups hot coffee
1 cup Chocolate syrup
1/4 cup Kahula
1/8 Tbsp. Cinnamon
whipped cream
Combine coffee, syrup, Kahlua and
cinnamon in large container.
Stir well. Serve immediately.
Top with whipped cream.
( makes 7 1/2 cups)



1 pkg. frozen raspberries
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
10 cups “cold” coffee
1 pint half an half
1 cup sweetened whipped cream
10 mint sprigs
10 whole raspberries

Puree frozen berries, sugar, and water in blender
Strain mixture into a large mixing bowl.
Add coffee and half and half.. Blend well.
Ladle into 12 ounce glasses partially
filled with crushed ice. Top with whipped cream,
mint sprigs and whole raspberries.



2 cups Hot Cocoa mix
1 cup instant coffee
1 Tbsp Cinnamon
2 Tbsp. dairy creamer
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 Tbsp. nutmeg
Serves approx. 3



Coffee, cream, ground nutmeg, cinnamon, sugar. Arrange of spices and your
guests can make their own:
sugar, orange peels, cinnamon sticks, whole nutmeg
(or grated nutmeg), powdered chocolate, your imagination is your limit.



3/4 cup warm water
3 Tbsp. Amaretto
1 1/2 tsp. Instant Coffee Crystals
, Dessert Topping
(Dessert topping should be in a pressurized can.)
In a nonmetal mug stir together water and instant coffee crystals.
Micro-cook, uncovered, on 100% power about
1 1/2 minutes or just till mixture is steaming hot.
Stir in Amaretto. Top with pressurized dessert topping.



2 medium sweet - tart apples
3/4 TB Cinnamon
1 1/2 Tbsp. Sugar
6 Teabags of orange pekoe tea
Water, Ice.

This recipe is written for the "Mr. Coffee"
"Ice Tea Pot" and it works well.
For those of you that don't have one,
you may have to adapt this recipe for use with other machines
or your own procedures for making iced tea
1. Slice the apples into thin slices
and remove the cores and seeds
place All of the slices in the steeping pot
2. Mix the cinnamon and the sugar until it is
uniform in color then sprinkle it over the
apple slices in the steeping pot
3. Follow the directions to make Iced tea
that came with the machine
add the teabags to the steeping pot on top of the apples
Add the remaining apple slices to the
pitcher on top of the ice
assemble the machine and the pitcher and turn it on
4. Add the apple slices from the steeping pot
to the pitcher when the tea is done
along with more ice to fill the pitcher
stir vigorously and serve



1/4 c Regular Black Tea
4 c Boiling Water
Ground Cinnamon
1/2 c Sweetened Condensed Milk
Place tea in a teapot; pour water over tea.
Let steep for 5 minutes. Pour into 4 cups.
To each serving, add a dash of ground cinnamon
and about 2 tablespoons of condensed milk; stir to blend.



3 bags or 1 tbs. loose black-tea
1 1/2 c Boiling water
1/2 c Fresh lemon juice
1 Bottle (28 oz) lemon-lime-carbonated beverage
or gingerale.( Chilled )
3/4 To 1 cup sugar
1 Tray ice cubes
1/2 c Fresh orange juice
Place tea bags or loose tea in bowl.
Pour boiling water over tea.
Let stand 5 minutes. Remove bags or strain to remove leaves.
Add sugar and stir until all is dissolved.
Place ice cubes in 2-quart serving pitcher.
Pour hot tea,lemon and orange juice over tea.
Stir briskly several seconds until mixture is cold.
Stir in chilled lemon-lime carbonated beverage.
Pour into glasses and serve at once.
Makes 2 qts.



1 pint Fresh strawberries
4 cups cold tea
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup Fresh lemon juice
Set aside 5 whole strawberries
Puree the rest in blender; strain into a pitcher.
Stir in tea, sugar and lemon juice until sugar dissolves.
Chill. Serve over ice; garnish with berries.



2 c Tea [brewed]
1/2 c REALEMON Lemon juice
1/2 c Sugar
Juice cubes
2 qt Ginger ale, [chilled]

1) In a pitcher, combine the tea, lemon juice, and sugar
stirring until sugar is dissolved.
2) Just before serving, add the ginger ale and pour over juice cubes.



peppermint leaves
Boil a handful of peppermint leaves
in a pot of water and strain.
Add sugar to taste and serve over ice.
Wonderful peppermint drink -- tastes a lot like candy canes
but very summery. Also good hot.
Leftovers can be frozen in an ice cube
tray and popped into iced tea to make it mintier.



4 tea bags -- regular strength
1/2 Tsp. lemon rind; finely grated
4 C boiling water
1/2 C sugar or substitute
2 Tbs. lemon juice
1 Tsp. almond extract
1/4 Tsp. vanilla

Pour in boiling water.
Cover and steep 5 min.
Stir in sugar, lemon juice,
almond extract and vanilla.
Serve at once.
Place a fresh mint leaf in bottom
of cup before pouring in tea.
Serves 4 - 6



1 oz Dry peppermint leaves
1 Tbsp. Rosemary leaves
1 tsp Sage leaves
Store in tightly closed jar.
Use heaping tsp. in a cup of boiling water.
Steep one minute, strain, sweeten with honey and sip.



1 can lemonade
4 1/2 cups water
1 large can pineapple juice
Ginger Ale

Mix all together. Enjoy!!



1/4 cup sugar
1-6 oz. can frozen orange juice
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
10 ice cubes

In blender, combine all ingredients.
Blend for 1/2 minute, or til ice is crushed.
(makes 4 servings)



1 - 46 oz. can pineapple juice
1 - 12 oz. can frozen lemonade
1 - 6 oz. can lemon juice
4 pkgs unsweetened Kool-Aid
2 cups sugar ( or to taste)

Add enough water to make 1 1/2 to 2 gallons.
Freeze 10 - 12 hours.
This has to be chipped out with a flat ice cream spade.
Eaten with a spoon from a glass.
(very refreshing on a hot summer day.)



1 Banana
1 1/2 cup Dannon Vanilla Yogurt
(substitute with fat free)
3/4 cup frozen peaches
1 whole frozen strawberry container
1 tablespoon orange juice concentrate

Place all ingredients in blender, add ice to fill blender and blend.



1 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup sugar
8 1/2 cups water
Makes 1/2 gal. lemonade



4 lemons
4 limes
4 oranges
3 quarts water
1 1/2 - 2 cups sugar (to taste,
depending on tartness of fruit)
Squeeze juice from fruit, pour into gallon container.
Add water and sugar, mix well.
Chill several hours or overnight.



1 6 oz. can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
1 12 oz. can apricot nectar
1 12 oz. can unsweetened pineapple juice
1 12 oz. can ginger ale

Combine lemonade concentrate and one can water,
add apricot nectar and pineapple juice.
Mix and chill thoroughly.
To serve, slowly add ginger ale and stir
very gently to mix, pour into glasses.
Garnish with marachino cherries and
pineapple wedges, if desired.



16 cups water
10 tea bags
1 1/2 cups sugar
12 oz. bag frozen unsweetened raspberries
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

Bring water to a boil in a large pot,
remove from heat and add tea bags.
Steep 5 minutes, remove tea bags.
Add remaining ingredients, stir until berries have thawed.
Cool, strain into non-aluminum container(s).
Chill thoroughly.



1 banana; peeled and sliced
1 c Water
1/2 tsp. Vanilla extract; optional

Place all of the ingredients in a
blender and process until smooth.


click the teabag!
to see what's next!!