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The Screaming Trues:  The Official Fan Club of J. Madison Wright

Welcome to the J. Madison Wright fan page! Most of you know Maddie (as she likes to be called) as True Danziger on the wonderful, now cancelled (sigh...) TV show Earth2. There are loads of Earth2 pages out there, but this page is solely focused on J. Madison Wright. If you want more general Earth2 stuff, check out the list of all of the Earth2 related pages that I know of.

Here's a short bio of J. Madison (bits of which were taken from the now defunct MCA/Universal Earth2 page):


Traditionally, most young school kids flee from studying such demanding subjects as math and science, but true to her character in Earth2, 12-year-old J. Madison Wright embraces those courses as her favorites.

"Science is really interesting and I like to read books about it," says Madison. "I've done two science projects; one was about electricity, and the other was about how long the flavor in bubble gum lasts. I used five packs!"

Madison (the "J." is for Jessica, but Madison insists, "There are just too many Jessicas"), was born in Cincinnati, OH, on a July 29, and has grown up in nearby London, KY. Her mother stays home to take care of her and her 6-year-old sister, Victoria, while her father works as an operations manager for a security firm. Madison was 5 when she attended an open modeling audition on a lark. Chosen among a lucky few out of 400 others, Madison went to New York with her mother the following summer. They enjoyed themselves so much they decided to return the following summer to resume Madison's modeling career.

Soon Madison signed with the Eileen Ford modeling agency and was in demand. She looked at a few scripts before winning her first acting job, in an ice cream commercial. Although she was working almost every day as a model (along with her kid sister), she and her family decided they would enjoy the pace of life more in Los Angeles than in New York, so they moved there in 1992. Last season Madison guest-starred on "The Nanny" and "Grace Under Fire," both times as uppity little girls who entered beauty contests.

Madison portrays a motherless young girl whose busy father has taught her to take care of herself in a world of intergalactic space travel centuries in the future. "True has not been around kids that much, but she's very intelligent because she's been raised by 'space sailors,'" says Madison. "She's really almost like a grownup because she knows what she wants."

Apart from the set, Madison enjoys swimming, boogie-boarding, biking, hiking, and collecting rocks. She also loves to sing (especially Broadway show tunes), and once starred in "Really Rosie," a children's musical, in Los Angeles. She is a big fan of Judy Garland and Shirley Temple, but says she is told she resembles a young Natalie Wood or Winona Ryder. At home, her pets include four cats, a dog, and two goldfish.

Currently, she is working on a new movie called Shilo with her little sister, Tori, as well as a new science-fiction TV show for CBS called The Osiris Chronicles in which she plays Nova, the genius (finally a kid genius on a sci-fi show that's a girl!) little sister of one of the main characters. In The Osiris Chronicles, Maddie's character gets kidnapped, and a lot of the show revolves around getting her back. So far, CBS isn't releasing any more info about The Osiris Chronicles, but as soon as they do, I'll post it! Otherwise, if you'd like to write to CBS yourself, you can contact them at:

Attn:  Programming
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA  90036-2188

So why call the fan club "The Screaming Trues?"

Whenever Maddie's Earth2 character, True, is faced with a scary situation (such as giant arms erupting from the earth and dragging her friend underground), instead of doing some sort of heroic stunt you would expect in a sci-fi show, she reacts like most ten-year-olds would: with a piercing, make-your-eardrums-bleed SCREAM! For a complete list of True's screams and why they're justified, check out Karla Tonella's A Gaian Hypothesis.

True has other attributes aside from her piercing vocal intonations. The daughter of a mechanic, she's smart, handy, and independent. Her adventurous spirit often takes her to where she does not belong. Often she gets involved withg the various other inhabitants of planet G889. The thing is, some of these animals drool and steal, while the others' claws put humans in a two-day coma. Go to the picture gallery for pictures of True with indiginous Earth2 fauna.

She's a tomboy -- and you would be a tomboy too if you spent most of your life surrounded by space sailors as she has. True's experiences have given her a ton of confidence. True and Uly will have a push-me-pull-you relationship. He will see her as the wild, even exotic "older" girl. She will see him as a pampered rich kid. Inevitably, the two will form an everlasting bond. True acts a lot tougher than she is. She feels the absence of a mother in her life, and will be looking for a suitable mother figure throughout the course of the series. The bond that she and her father share, however, is the central relationship in her life. And while she and her father both seem self-sufficient, they depend on each other quite a bit. For some pictures of True and her father John Danziger (played by Clancy Brown, of Highlander and Shawshank Redemption fame), go to the photo gallery.

I have some other pictures and an interview with Maddie from NewPacificon '96. For copies and snail mail information about The Screaming Trues and Maddie's upcoming projects, send email to

There is another fan club page going up, focused on the character True Danziger, not the actress J. Madison Wright. This group is called "True's Troopers," and is an unofficial fan group not affiliated with The Screaming Trues. They can be found at the True's Troopers Home Page.

In the meantime, you can join the Earth2 mailing list by clicking here and typing subscribe earth2 in the message body. For information about the offline fan club, Earth2: Eden Advance, send a SASE to:

Earth2:  Eden Advance
PO Box 733
Westminster, CA  92684-0733
Got any comments, questions, or new J. Madison Wright info you think should be posted? Email me at and...
Keep Screaming!

Many thanks to Phil for help with the screen captures and to Travis for helping construct this page. My name is Mali, and for more info on ME, my friends, and my other interests, go to my ME page now.

Go to the ME page...

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