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written by Vicki Russell

Have you ever wondered what it
might feel like to have the Power of LOVE??
To love someone or many .. Unconditionally
as our LORD loves us??

Heaven knows that each one of us 
is hard to love all the time!!!
We all have our ups and downs
our good points .. our bad points!!!

And YET God loves each of us .. 
pretty much the way we are ..
although you and I know ...
we disappoint him .... probably daily!

Do you ever wonder what it would be like!?
to just love someone no matter what ???

Well, most of  us do .. I think..
if you stop and think about it..
we love our parents .. although they
discipline us and punish us when we are wrong!
We love our Children .. even when they 
behave badly or do things wrong !!

And yet ???....... do we love thy neighbor?
our co-workers? people we meet on the street?

Do we make room in our hearts
for all those that are looking for love?
For all those who need to be loved?
or wanted? or needed??

If you stop and think about it ....
don't we all just want to be loved
and wanted and needed...

To feel that special bond that only
two people can share ... 

I hope you can open up your heart today
and look around you .. and let those 
people around you .. KNOW that 
you are there ...and that you care!
Take time out of your busy schedule 
even if you are tired .. and tell



I would very much like to share this story with you ..

A few years ago .. after we had found the LORD
and had been struggling to follow in the direction
he was leading .. (which is and can be hard!)
I wanted very much to "FEEL" love towards GOD.
Now, I could feel the love that I had towards
my children,  my family .. brothers, sisters ..
mother and father.. friends ..

I could even bring strangers into my life... 
take time to get to know them .. and in a few
months or weeks .. learn to love them

but here I had been studying and struggling with
the LORD for probably over 3 years and 
still could not "feel" the LOVE that I could 
for PEOPLE that were in my life!!

This was frustrating for me ... because if we 
are to put GOD first .. and have an understanding
about what he wants us to do .. and to
emotionally do the things he wants us to do
then don't we have to "feel" the love 
towards our creator??

I THOUGHT SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I prayed ..... a very heart felt prayer
almost in tears  .. asking the LORD 
to please let me KNOW and FEEL his love
so that I for one .. would know that 
he was real .. for if I could love people who
I had known only for  a  short time ...
then after 3 years I should be able to 
know that I LOVED the LORD!!

He didn't answer my prayer that day
but over the next few days ... 
the feeling of warmth,
security, comfort, peace filled
my being .. and for the first time
I felt GOD'S LOVE ...
and it is a feeling that I will never forget
nor ever put aside ... because it is with me 
every day ... it has made me love 
people even more than I ever thought I 
could .. it has made me very forgiving,
open to the pain and hurts that 
others feel ..

Although I know that GOD'S LOVE 
is a thousands times greater still
he gave me a taste of his love 
and there is no greater feeling
in the world .. then the total feeling
of peace, security, safety, comfort
in the arms of our LORD!

Our GOD's LOVE is waiting for you
to give you peace of mind
security in your daily life
knowing that you are safe in his arms
and will find comfort during your 
times of trails and tribulations

Just ask him ... but ... if you truly want
the prayer answered .. it has to come from
your heart ... deep inside .. in short
you have to REALLY MEAN IT !!!!

=) ..... Vicki Russell 

Background picture taken by Vicki Russell while in Texas, 1999

A Close Walk with Thee !!!

copyrighted by Vicki Russell 2000!!

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