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Necron's page of Anime and Software...

So, you wandered in here eh?? Poor you....

So, you got your arse in here now whatcha going to do?? well i will tell ya what you should do, look around ! My pages are always under check back any time and see what i've added...I have other webpages but none dedicated to the best things in life, Anime and Computers....So, thats exactly what this is going to be about. Japanimation, Software, the Internet, people i know on the internet and anything like that...Have fun, look around... I am also going to be doing some stuff on movies that i think kick ass...check back for that later too...

I have hardly anything on this page right now, its pretty much bare bones...but what i will do is set a few links to friends pages, and to my other page...

My Other Homepage...
My friend Dan's Page
An internet friend of mine Sandra's page...

Dan's page is very cool...many downloads and links...Sandra's she just started...and is very new at HTML coding....check it out anyways...

Anime, Computers, and Peeps oh my!

Other Animes
People I know...

Mail me you poor sap at


My uin for icq is 941790, add me if you want to...