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Terry Pratchett

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One of the more humorous of the authors I like is Terry Pratchett, or Pterry as he is called by his fans ( to understand that joke you'll have to read Pyramids, and no I won't explain it ). His books usually takes place in The Discworld Universe, but he have written books happening other places, and even without the character Rincewind in it ( to some of his fans' sorrow ). I like his books because they are homorous and well written. Many of his jokes are quiet complex, but when you understand one, you ( or at least I ) find them incredible funny. Pterry pokes fun at nearly everything, and with great succes, so I recommend his books warmly, especially the Discworld books. Terry Pratchett is British so this means he is harder to get in USA, but the books are slowly getting printed in USA... by now they are only a few books behind ( 3 or 4 I think ).
Pterry are one of the few authors I know of who lets you write him on his e-mail, so if you want to write him his adress is ................., but please don't ask him if he really is THAT Pratchett, or demand that he write another book about Rincewind/The Witches/Death etc. Let him decide what he wants to write about.

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