Prayer Request Page!!!
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Prayer Request Page!!!

This is KimmyLuLu's prayer request page. Please feel free to read the prayers and pray, or if you have a request of your own..Email me the request and I will put it in here!!!
David Rudorfer- This is my Uncle. For the past couple years he has been fainting for no reason...Just a couple weeks ago he fainted again, and they found something wrong with his aorta valve in his heart. It is not pumping correctly, and because of his high blood pressure they cannot fix the problem until that goes down. If the irregular heart beats consist they may have to give him a pill that stops his heart, and then they have to restart it. He is doing fine at the moment, but the problem is still occuring..They need to put a pace maker in, but they have to have the high blood pressure down, and the irregular pumping gone. Please pray for healing, and comfort, and that the Lord will do whatever is right for him...He has a loving wife Two kids, and parents, brothers, and nieces that care about him deeply..He is only in his 30's and has a long life ahead of him....thanks
