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My R/C Airplanes

My favorite color scheme, This is me with my first car after a couple wrecks and my second paint job, This picture was taken in 1983. The plane I am holding is one I brought back from Japan, a 20 size plane with a K&B 40, it was a fun plane to fly.

Doghouse Extreme, with a Saito 91 4 stroke, crashed on first flight, total destruction

Doghouse Extreme, 2nd plane, crashed on 4th flight and rebuilt

BTE Venture 60 with a .91 4 stroke for power

My Sig Super Senior Kadet, complete with flaps, ailerons, and a bomb bay the size of Texas. K&B 61 for power and loads of fun to fly. Crashed twice into trees.

New covering and color scheme after landing in a tree.

Newly rebuilt Super Senior after a devastating crash June 2003.
New covering and a slightly different design. Completly cowled nose and new engine, a Tower 75 2 stroke
Completed January 20, 2005

The second plane built in my new workshop, A Sig Somethin Extra. Completed, 4-13-2001, flown for the first time, 4-14-2001. It flies fantastic!!

A Great Planes Piper J3 Cub that I built for my good friend Jamey, my 4th plane.

Jamey with his new Piper J3 Cub, Saito 60 twin for power

The cub in flight, I had it in the air for 4 flights, it flew perfect.

I scratch built this 1/2 scale Kadet Senior, I call it the "Mini Me". It is electric powered, twin aileron servos (JR241), (JR331) for rudder and elevator, It flies real good like a Kadet should.

Speed 480 geared motor, 9.6V 8 cell flight battery, JETI 250 speed control.

My 5th plane, a Sig Kougar with a Tower 46. Completed and flown Dec. 2 2001