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These are some of the most wonderfull people on the net, and without them i personally feel the net would be pretty boring *L*

I would like to dedicate this page to a most amazing woman and her husband. So to Micky and Angelo i dedicate this page. Without them our family would not exist.

MICKY & ANGELO......I am so thankfull for all that you have done. You created a place for us to call home. Home is where you hang your heart and you are in all our hearts. Thank you so much for everything and you have my full support. Our family will always be united wherever we might reside, we will follow.

(In alphabetical order)

Annie & James

Aphrodite *hugs and kisses*

Ariel......Liss i miss you and love you my sweet soul sista *hugs and kisses*

Birthday *hugs and kisses*

Blueman *hugs and kisses and royal hiney flashes*

Caine Im not quite sure what to say anymore, it seems nothing i say can help. but i can tell you that you deserve the best whatever that might be. I hope that you find it. I hope you find a place in your heart that you feel safe, loved, supported, accepted for all that you are, and with someone who will be proud of you.*huge hugs*

Catrina *hugs and kisses*

~Claire *hugs and kisses* i love ya so much...thanks for everything


CeeJ OH so glad i met you, i have had soooo much fun with those body shots and everything truly are a wonderfull woman *huge hugs* love you sis

Cricket *hugs and kisses*

Dark Lightening *hugs*

Dzer*huge appleblossom hugs and twitterpating kisses* i look forward to leave it to Dz every night...WALLYBANGER!!!

Diamond *hugs and kisses*

Dilli *hugs and kisses* Thanks for always having a lap for me

Draugo Brett, i am so blessed to have your friendship. Thank you for making me smile, and laugh. Thank you for being that friend when i needed one. you are a very special person in my life, and i will always be a brat just for you *L* *huge hugs and kisses*thank you for sticking by me when you could have turned your back on me. It means so much to me.

Drunk *rootins out behind the dunny*

Erotica 2U *hugs and kisses*

Eyes & ZZ *hugs and kisses* I love you MOM

FARFROMSOBER *hugs and kisses and wonders* im so glad we are friends again...heres to free choices, drinking too much and hugs that last a little too long *grin*

Jessica & Beeker *hugs*

Juice *hugs and slobbery kisses* ive lost the juice for my Gin....i miss ya sweetie handcuffs and all

Lawless Lady *hugs and kisses*

LuckyLady & LuckyMan ooh you guys are wonderfull...and too cute i could just scoop ya up *hugs and kisses and licks*

The Goddess My sweet sister, what can i say. We have definately been through our ups and downs. And im so thankfull that we have gotten through them all. I love you so much and there isnt anything i wouldnt do for you. Thank you for being everything a sister could be *huge hugs* I LOVE YOU CHER

Marillion *big hugs and smooches* i dont know what to say, you believed in me and trusted me...thank you for being there *hugs* forever

The Goddess Oh my god your here again? shit i must really love ya to put ya here twice...that and i thought MAR might want a cherylyn sandwich *LMAO*

Mask *big hugs and smiles, kisses and sweet songs*

~Max*hugs and kisses* ya big flirt you owe me a beer

Nicole & sister and bro in law *hugs and kisses and belly ring checks* i love you guys

Novacane *hugs* The good times will always stay with me. thank you for giving me stregth when i needed it, i will always be gratefull for that. *huge hugs* Love will come and go but friendship will always stay forever.

Nuts & Betsy *hugs and spatulas* WORD

Pookie & Ed *hugs and kisses*

Philo *hugs and kisses*

Rascal *kisses and licks allll over the place*...stace i love you thanks for everything you rock!!

Red *big hugs and kisses* thanks for always being the first one to welcome me

Redhead *hugs and kisses*...hmmmm girl what can i say....i love ya too much

Sabby *hugs and licks all over* (making sure ras doesnt get jealous*L*) girrrrlll thank you for my tags and for your friendship you are wonderfull

Shai Boy...What can i say that hasnt been already said. you, my angel fill my heart with something that cant be described. I love you.

SIRender *kisses and major molestations and nibbles*

Spud...*stippin and dancin and lovin and hugs and kisses* tatter tot...i miss you

Taurus *hugs and kisses*

Temp & Pamph *hugs and kisses*

Tony *hugs and kisses*...FUCK you have been a great friend...thank you so much you loser brit *S*

Tuesy & Bender *hugs and kisses* take care of that little one...i love you guys

Widow...pass the pipe *giggle giggle* where are you i miss you *hugs*

i know i have probably forgot some of you or your hp links...just drop me an email and let me know
Peace & Harmony