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÷÷÷ WéLçÖmÊ ‡Ó Mÿ ÐßZ pÅgÊ ÷÷÷

Okay, heres what's happening. I'm making a DBZ page. Now, i know theres already thousands of them, but i hope to center this one on the characters that i like the most, which are the neglected ones, like Chouzu, Dende, etc. I've been to probably 50 pages that talked about nothing but sayajins, piccolo, and the enemies. This will be the first page i've made on my own, and i know very little HTML. It would be greatly appreciated if you would help me out with some suggestions once i get started, and if you have any pics that i don't, i would be glad to take them. I am gonna put some sayajin stuff, just i'm not gonna base my page around it. Since I am still learning basic HTML, this page may look pretty crappy at first, but it will get better as time goes. Also, could you please put a link on your page if you have one, that way i get more people to see this which means more suggestions and more help with HTML. I will be willing to put links for anybody who wants on my page.


Now, Since I don't know how to put columns yet, I'll just put the link to my links page right here.
Click here to see my DBZ picture collection.

Click here to see some movie clips.

Click here to read the DragonballZ story.
Click Here for my links page

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