Wild Hooves 4-H Club | Mod Podge Plates
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The Mod Podge Plates our 4-H club made.



8" Clear Glass Plate

10" Fabric Square

Mod Podge Glue

Sponge Brush

Wax Paper

Coffee Can


Clear Acrylic Sealer

Glass Cleaner/Paper Towel

Before starting this project, be sure to thoroughly wash your plate of all fingerprints and labels.

Next, place your piece of fabric right-side up on wax paper. Starting from the middle and working out, apply a generous even coat of mod podge glue with a sponge brush. The reason for using wax paper instead of new paper is because the newspaper will leave imprints on the fabric.

Place the glass plate upsidedown on the coffee can. Then place the fabric face-down on the plate. Gently smooth out the air bubbles, but be sure not to pull the fabric or it will become distorted or stretched. Apply another even coat of mod podge glue to the fabric.

After allowing the plate to dry thoroughly, trim the excess fabric from around the edge of the plate and check to be sure that the edges are secure. If needed, do a little touch up with your mod podge glue.

Once you feel that your fabric is securely in place, apply a thin coat of clear acrylic sealer to the bottom/fabric side of the plate.

It is very important for you to understand that this plate is no longer dishwasher safe. Only the frontside should be sponged if the plate is used for serving purposes. It can also be used on a plate stand for decorating for the holidays and change of seasons.

The Wild Hooves 4-H Club before starting their presentation.


© Copyright 2003-Wild Hooves 4-H Club