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The Realm of Tortall and Emelan

A page dedicated to the worlds of Tamora Pierce

Ok. I've just started this page, and I'm not totally sure what I'm going to have here, but this is my fan page to Tamora Pierce and her books. I am a total absolute fan and this is a place that I hope other fans like me can share their thoughts on her books and the characters of them

Wow.. I am so sorry. I haven't updated this in FOREVER.. I am so sorry to anyone who came and saw the same thing over and over again. Gotten busy.. reading less (WAH!) but still caught up on all of Tammy's books. (Me like Shatterglass, glass is an awesome substance) Well anyway.. I'll at least change the email address down at the bottom, so if anyone wants to bug me about my lack of work of this they can. By the way.. If anyone wants to add anything to this I will, and give ya credit! Thanks a bunch.... (By the way I typed in "Tortall and Emelan" in yahoo, and this was the third site to come up! ::happy dance!:: Love you all! Daine rules!.. (and Alanna too!)

I hope to be adding fan art, and a place where we can write short stories and post them, and maybe have somwhere to roleplay,(somehow.. but this probably won't happen.. maybe I'll put up a link to one already in existance!!). I want to have everyones opinion and ides on the site, and I am totally open to suggestions so just email me!

And heres a short list of books that I highly recommend. It needs to be updated and given the authors and descriptions of some of the books but its a good start.Books Books Books Books!!!

Here's my small, not totally - but still nicely made - Tradertalk dictionary/glossary of all (or atleast as many as I've found) of the words given through the books that are in Trader talk, and their meanings.(shhh it's secret that there are dictionaries in the backs of the books!)Tradertalk

Talk with the best of those street rats and theives (sort of)Learn Street Cant Here

Or would you rather learn....Chammuri here

If you want to read my quotes from the books just Click Here (miracle of miracles the links WORK!.. Yay!!!! and i like my quotes!!!)


Sorry, It's an obsession.. proceed on and enjoy......

Tortall and Emelan have odd coinages, and here are some of the known coins. Get along well when visiting Tortall and such!!! Never be lost when trying to figure out how much to pay!!!

Check out Tammy's official site here! It's cool.. It has excerps, new news, a guest book, book covers, FAQ's and MORE!!!!!!! so Go THERE!

This is a new added part.. called to from recent demand from the Tortall message board. Here in Tammyland all of us crazy fans can live in Harmony and Peace, or even in the state of Insanity or Confusion. Probably one of the best places to live (except for, of course, Tortall, and Emelan), this is a great place where all of us can spend our time. Though still in need of being updated a bit.. this shows a copy of Tammyland, the surrounding water and Islands, and shows where some of us live. Email me here and tell me where you'd like to live, and you can even choose a summer home somewhere else on the map... maybe an island.. or another state?? It's all up to you! ::waits for applause.. insted receives ripe tomatoes:: Oh well!!! Check it out!!!!!

And here I've got a bunch of various odd facts, a few mistakes, and various useless but fun things from the books. (like did you know that George's flag at Pirate Swoop is a Brown Flag with a gold key?) Huh Huh Huh ::pant pant:: Didja didja???

Everyone here should email Tammy and BEG her to write more Tortall books (well books in general but especially ones placed in Tortall)... In the words of a friend.... "The fate of Tortall is in your hands." Who knows.. maybe if enough of us ask (and plead and beg and offer to give sacrifices [well maybe not that far] just MAYBE she'll consider to write more.. maybe maybe maybe.... :) write to her here!

..... Actually "We" (the people with undisclosed sources [::sarcastic "right"::]) know that she has contracts signed for (i believe) 9 more books.. but please correct me if I'm wrong on that account)

Go to my "input site" and tell me what you think of my site (it's under construction so it won't work right now but check it out Have a few laughs and such... Unfortunately i can't figure out how to actually have the input "inputted" (yeah, yah, yeah, dumb me!)Not quite woking but still intesting.. Input! if you'd like. :)

If you would like to read my story that I've written... (It's not quite done yet) then click here And please be so kind as to ignore all grammar and spelling mistakes.. I havent had a chance to go over it for all those

Also.. newly added.. ::drumroll: My second story! Which was actually and English assignment.. but don't tell!.. Anywho.. here it is.. email me if you like it (or even if you don't, but be kind:))Story Numero Dos

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FAN ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DOWN WITH TV!!!! Up with Tammy's BOOKS!!!!

Check out my total Irrelvance.. but its still in the works.. that part has really nothing to do with Tammy...

Power to the Zucchinoes!!!!

{Main site}{Quotes}{Odd facts in the books}{Chammuri}{Tradertalk}{Street Cant}{Fan Art}{My Story}{Tammyland!! (check it out!!!)}{Irrelevance}{Zucchinoes Rule!}{Story Numero Dos}

Horsies!! awwwwwwww...
