... H o l d S t i l l ...

    The Scene opens outside a small venue. It seems to be a college, from the looks of it. The time currently is 7:32PM as the cameraman roams the halls, not knowing what he might come across. He begins down an L-shaped hall and notices someone, someone familiar. He zooms in on the man, to reveal that it's SEIN MARCUS.

    -::- Cameraman -::-
    "Holy shit. That's Sein Marcus. I'd better try and get a word with him."

    He slowly moves in closer as Sein waves bye to whoever he was talking to and exits left, toward what would be supposed the way to the entrance ramp. The camera fades to a camera situated alongside the entrance ramp to the left. It focuses in on the entrance as the lights fade to a grayish blue. "Natural Life" by Breaking Benjamin hits as the crowd goes crazy. They know who it is.

    Marcus emerges from behind the curtain wearing a 36 Crazyfists t-shirt and blue faded jeans. He begins down the ramp as the camera stay focused on him. He climbs the steps and enters through the middle rope. He takes a one-footed hop and walks over to the nearest turnbuckle and climbs it. He raises both arms as flash bolts go off like crazy.

    He hops off after a few more seconds and walks over to the ring announcer, Amanda Hawkins and grabs the microphone. He nods to the back as the lights fade back on and "Natural Life" by Breaking Benjamin fades out. He brings the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "What a time to come back to what once... was the 3WA. The place where I had my breakthrough. The place where I gained the respect of the fans. The place of, well the place that will soon become a living hell!"

    "When I first made the decision to come back after my neck injury, I decided to get my priorities straight. However much I love Rachel, I'm not bringing her back. She was the smoke that blurred my path. Hell, however much President Mike Flash got me stirred up over her. Well, that was the reason I did so Goddamn half-assed at HYGHimpact."

    Sein rubs his face, cocking a half-smile. He holds the microphone closer to his mouth as he removes his hand from his face. He sees how truly happy the fans are to see him back after that horrid neck injury. He brings the microphone back to his lips.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Now first off before I go onto what I plan on talking about. I thank the fans. I mean, it's been only five weeks since I last appeared on a televised show. But, you showed you still have the old Sein "The Impact" Marcus loyalty you always had. That might get me a cheap pop, but oh, what the hell!"

    "Now back to business. Surge, it's been a while since we've been face-to-face. And I know, you are no longer official wrestling talent here. But, nonetheless, sometime, I want a match. Any God-fucking-damned match you can come up with. Don't you remember Rutledge... don't you remember me kicking out of three 6-thousand Watts?! 'Cause, I may have been out of it, but I remember it clearly and vividly. After those three ruthless attacks, you began with chair shots to my head. One... after another!"

    "Now Surge, don't think I'm only out here to speak about you. Oh no, no. I've come back to claim something that I failed to gain. I was always "second" best in your eyes, well rather than second, I wasn't even in your league. Surge it's been a little bit more than enough since we have seen each other, let alone, in the ring. But Surge, right now. I'm not coming out here to badmouth your punk ass. I'm out here to talk about my opponent in my triumphant return!"

    Marcus gets a loud pop from the fans as they heard the magic word; R E T U R N Sein paces the ring, looking around, noticing the various signs held by the fans. He stops in a mid-stride and begins to speak once again, allowing the crowd to quiet down.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Well, it seems as if the crowd is happy, but is the rest of the locker room? Are they back there, cowering in fear. Are the memories coming back? Is the Down SINdrome sinking into your cranium's? Well, I hope so. 'Cause on my debut on Tuesday Night Fights. Shawn Hunt. The current All-American Champion. Will face the incomparable, Sein "The Impact" Marcus!"

    "Now Hunt. Don't wet yourself just yet. Let the piss-stain yellow run down your leg while in the ring, standing toe-to-toe with the man who once decimated S.E.X on his own! Deny that, you can, but it's the fuckin' truth. You see ever since my collarbone was fractured against Surge, I have worked day-in and day-out for this return. I have worked five long fucking weeks!"

    Sein bites his upper lip as the camera cuts to the two announcers to the nights house show, Michael May and Scott Dunlap. As they discuss on the matters at hand; Sein Marcus returning, the camera zooms, getting some of the conversation.

    -::- Michael May -::-
    "Well it does seem as if he is back at one-hundred percent Dunlap. I mean, he did come back after five weeks off."

    -::- Scott Dunlap -::-
    "May. He had a broken collarbone. I've known the guy for a while and he is one tough bastard. But still, I think he needs more time in rehab before he comes back."

    -::- Michael May -::-
    "I know what you're saying. He should've been out at least two more months at the max. But still."

    -::- Scott Dunlap -::-
    "Meh. Ah well. If Sein sees it fit to come back. Let him do so. But let's be quiet, whilst he speaks."

    The camera cuts back to Sein who is pacing a bit. He stops and looks around. He scans the arena, as if he was a machine, as he brings the microphone back to his lips to begin speaking once again.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Hunt, it's been over five weeks since I've entered this ring prepared for an actual wrestling match. I haven't had much time to prepare for this... let's just say, "unlikely" return, but I'm up for it. I'm up for anything Flash feels like putting me through! Hell, when I was here before, what did Flash do. He attempted to put me through hell! But no. He failed."

    "But where do I end up when I come back? Right where I was before I left! The main fucking event! Right where I belong, right where I've always belonged! You see Hunt, this isn't your place, and this isn't your time. If I may take a line from Surge... "you're not even in my fucking league!" All you are Hunt is obstacle for me to get back at Flash and Surge... and you're not gonna provide as a good one!"

    "But I did forget to mention someone. Someone who hit me, with Mike Flash's own finisher. Oh yeah, the man with the welcoming part, in which I crashed! Demon Knight. Now Demon, Demon Knight, DK, whatever the hell you wanna be called. Let's just say, you signed that contract at the wrong time bro. Bask in the glory you have for now, 'cause after Marcus makes his return into this squared circle. You're not gonna be shit."

    Sein pauses, reflecting on the flash bolts going off simutaneously. He smirks and chuckles to himself as he walks over to the nearest turnbuckle and leans against it. He brings the microphone to his lips and begins to speak again.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Demon. I give you props man. You have the balls and audacity to do such a thing. I give you credit. But, it doesn't go like that. It never has and never fucking will! You see Demon Knight, you're not the man here. You may think that, but it's false. It'll will WILL be true my dear friend."

    "I worked my ass off here before I got injured Knight. I had my eye off the prize, I was thinkin' with my other head so to speak. Many of you would understand what I'm talking about. But meh, I don't give a damn if you know or don't know. You know why Demon Knight? 'Cause you are downright trash! Yeah you're probably back there, or wherever the hell you are, thinkin' I'm talkin' straight out of my ass. Go ahead. Think it. For what I say is reality."

    "But Demon, back to the topic at hand. Shawn Hunt. The All-American Champion. So Hunt, how does it feel? how does it feel to be the first man in the ring with me on my return match? Yeah, you're probably not too worried. You think that cracked -- broken, collarbone messed with me psychically, I'm sure of it. But one thing I'd like to say to you. Your are very... sadly... mistaken."

    As Sein ends that sentence the crowd begins to chant "The Impact!" he smiles as he comes from his leaning position from the turnbuckle. He wipes his chin as he heads to mid-ring. He stops there, looking around as the chant fades away. He then begins to speak again.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Now with that finally said. I have some business to attend to. But Hunt... Demon Knight... heed my words. Heed them well, 'cause I don't fuckin' bluff nor lie. And I'm sure, if I say it. It'll happen."

    "Natural Life" by Breaking Benjamin hits the PA as Sein drops the microphone, already making his way towards the backstage locker room. Before he fades through the curtain he turns, raising both arms over his head. The camera feed is then cut.

    ... C o m m e r c i a l B r e a k ...

    -::- Felon Ridges -::-
    "Sein. Sein! Wait up! I wanna get a word with you about your return!"

    Up comes Felon Ridges running from behind in high heels, trying to catch Sein. She finally catches up with him as she is out of breath. She places his hand on his shoulder as she begins to breathe in and out hard.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "That's not the only thing you wanna get with me. You just -- ever since I've been here you've wanted to get in my pants. I'm not stupid Felon."

    He pushes her hand from his shoulder and takes a step back. She raises her head and prep's her hair as she looks at Sein. She bites her lip and smirks at Sein.

    -::- Felon Ridges -::-
    "So that's what you take me for? The federation's bike? Like everyone gets a ride? Sein, you've got me all wrong babe."

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Felon. Shut up and never ever call me "babe" again. I've stood up for you before, can't you just be fuckin' serious when you talk to me from now on? And by the way, where the hell is Jake Kincaid."

    -::- Felon Ridges -::-
    "Uhm. Sorry Sein. President Flash fired him as soon as we went back to WWO. Why?"

    Sein smirks and chuckles to himself. He places his hand over his mouth to cover a cough. He looks at Felon, then to a door to the left with the sign "EXIT" above it."

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Well then. In that case, get the hell out of my face Felon. Never do I want you to interview you me again. Don't even attempt... especially wearing that cheap-ass perfume."

    -::- Felon Ridges -::-
    "Uh. What the hell do you mean Sein? This cheap perfume?! And what's this abo --"

    Sein stops her in mid-sentence and walks out the door to the parking lot. He stops and pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He packs it, removes one, and sticks it in his mouth, lighting it with a match.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "God. She is such a fucking stupid whore. I'm glad I got away from her, surprised she didn't run out here after me. Oh boy. And where the hell is Jake? I told him to meet me here for a short interview."

    Sein takes another puff of the cigarette and tosses the smoldering butt on the cement ground. He had to stop smoking, he knew, but it was a habit he picked up while nursing the collarbone injury. He takes in a deep breath, sticking both hands in his pockets blowing it out. From behind, the door is heard opening and Jake Kincaid moves into the camera's perspective view.

    -::- Jake Kincaid -::-
    "I still can't believe you put me on your payroll just to be your interviewer. I just can't believe that man."

    Sein turns to see Jake behind him, holding a WWO microphone, which surprised him. He smirks at Kincaid as he removes his hands from his pockets.

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Heh-heh. Gotta do, what I've gotta do bro. I wasn't letting that damn seductive whore, Felon Ridges, interview me. Nor that freaky lookin' guy... Kent Brockman? Meh, doesn't matter."

    -::- Jake Kincaid -::-
    "Wanna go ahead and get this underway Sein? I'm sure you have things that are more important to do than get interview."

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Yeah. Go ahead and start."

    Sein smiles as Kincaid signals for the cameraman to go live in... 3... 2... 1. The feed is now live as Kincaid looks to the camera then Sein Marcus.

    -::- Jake Kincaid -::-
    "Well hello everyone. I'm Jake Kincaid with the returning, Sein "The Impact" Marcus. I'm quite sure everyone is pretty hyped for his in-ring return as well. I'm well aware that you answered this question earlier though, but I'd like to ask it. What made you want to come back to the WWO... 3WA so quickly?"

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "The fact of me rehabbing for only five weeks is no secret. I've sworn revenge on Surge. I've sworn I will become the WWO World Champion... Unified Champion... whatever the hell it is! But to get back on topic, the reason I came back so quickly is... I put 12 1/2 hours into getting back into the movement. When I say movement, moving my neck, shoulders, etc."

    "Yeah I know that doesn't sound like much, but it was a pain in the ass. That's why the habit of smoking begun. You know, I never thought it'd happen, but it did. I mean smoking. But meh, anyway. Next question Jake."

    -::- Jake Kincaid -::-
    "Okay. In your return match with Shawn Hunt. Do you think, or rather fear, cracking your collarbone or re-injuring it? I mean, I'm sure you've thought thoroughly about it over and over."

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "You know Jake. Rachel didn't even want me to return to the squared-circle at all. She wanted me to move to Boston with her and her mother. But I denied. I denied being, probably, the happiest I've ever been in my life for this. This revenge that I will extract on VP Rutledge... President Mike Flash... and whoever else was involved."

    "I've watched the tape over and over and can't get over the fact of how much pain I was in for those two-to-three hours after having my collarbone cracked... broken. The pain, I'll never forget. It'll be etched in my memory like a scar on my arm. I'll never forget getting hit with the chair multiple times... kicking out of three... count 'em three, 6-thousand Watts! I can't forget it. And, I will for surely not forget what took it to the breaking point... the steel steps landing on my face and collarbone."

    As Sein stops with his last sentence, he looks to his watch, seeing what time it is. Almost 9PM. He scratches the back of his head as Kincaid looks at him oddly.

    -::- Jake Kincaid -::-
    "Uhm, Sein. What's wrong?"

    -::- Sein "The Impact" Marcus -::-
    "Shit dude. Sorry to cut this short, but I was supposed to call Rachel around 8:30. I told her I would! Fuck. Sorry man, but I've got to go."

    -::- Jake Kincaid -::-
    "Ah. Don't worry about it. Anyway folks, as you heard, Sein has more important business to attend to."

    The camera cuts away from Kincaid to show Marcus walking over to his 1999 Red, Ford Focus. He unlocks the door and gets in. He closes the door and starts ignition, it roars to life as he backs out of the parking spot and drives out of the lot. The camera feed is cut, as a commercial appears.