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Steven Allan Vendetti

Please refer to communications below, signed agreement and copy of wire transfer included for reference:

Steven Allan Vendetti


Complaint Number: I02031317313099

The following information was provided by the victim and will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agency.

Business/Investment Opportunity

Loss: $2,470,000.00 Date of Complaint: 3/13/02 5:31:59 PM

Victim Information

Name: Witheld



Phone #:



Live in city limits: Yes


Country: Do you have pertinent documents in paper form? Yes

Please List the easiest way and most convenient time to contact you:

Any time at your earliest convenience.

Information about the Individual that victimized you.

Name: Steven Allan Vendetti

Gender: M

Phone #: 253-770-0523

Current Email:

Address: 6210-90 St., Court E Puyallup, WA 98311 Country: USA

Contact between you and the Person/company that victimized you.

Type of Contact: Phone Date of Contact: 03/03/2000 Money lost in total: $2,470,000.00

Description of Transaction: SWIFT wire transfer (have copy)

Mr. James Kramer-Wilt, attorney/advisor (US Treasury Department-Dept., of Fraud and Scams) have copies of all relevant documents.

Description of how you were defrauded:

Loaned the subject US$1,000,000.00 for insurance and storage fees and whatever travel expenses incurred while obtaining a line of credit for assets (gold in the amount of US$400,000,000.00). I was told that 2 banks were offering a line of credit in the amount of US$100,000,000.00 and in a matter of DAYS they were going to complete the transaction.

Further, I was promised (via signed and executed agreement) an assignment of collateral within 24 hours from receipt of funds. I was promised, after one year, my principal would be returned including 147% return on my investment. I was promised that within 45 banking days, first payment on my investment.

All promises are written in afore-mentioned agreement, signed and executed on June 4th, 2000 for a period of one year. Said agreement became due and payable on June 4th, 2001.

To date I have not received any payments and the subject and his attorney do not return my calls, faxes or email messages!

I have since enlisted the assistance of an attorney who has contacted Mr. Stephen G. Smith (Vendetti's attorney) on several occasions. They continue to elude and be evasive, lately, they do not return my attorney's calls. I AM NOW CONCERNED THAT THEY ARE AWAITING THE STATUE OF LIMITATION ON THIS MATTER!

Clearly, they have absconded with the funds wired to them on June 4th, 2000. Clearly, it was the intention of Mr. Vendetti to defraud, since no assignment of collateral was ever received (perhaps does not even exist!).

They continue to enjoy an extension of the agreement which was not consented to in writing, as per agreement. This agreement was breached within the first 24 hours, it was breached a second time when after 45 days, I did not receive any payments, it was breached a third time, when after the expiry of the agreement (June 4th, 2001) principal and interest were not returned, and the fourth and current breach presently, since that no extensions were ever granted! I WANT THE FUNDS OWED TO ME RETURNED.

Information about Witnesses:

1 3. Chuck Cauble (introduced me to Mr. Vendetti)

Ph: (818) 830-7405;

Fax: (818) 830-7415;


4. Richard "Dick" Albright (Vendetti's partner in crime)

Ph:(360) 413-7854, has since changed his email address, probably phone too.

5. Stephen G. Smith (subject's attorney)

Ph: (425) 453-0250;

Fax: (425) 898-9284;

email: ;

Contact With Law Enforcement Or Another Government Agency:

1. Mr. James Kramer-Wilt attorney/advisor of US Treasurary Department.

2. Agent Brandon Martin FBI (referred by Mr. Kramer-Wilt) Phone: (253) 272-8439; Fax: (253) 627-5241

Additional Information:

I have all pertinent information, including correspondence, copies of wire transfer and agreement etc., available upon request. Below, I include the information sent to my attorney:

Dear Witheld,

I am contacting you with a view to establishing communication and the possibility of legal action regarding a situation whereby funds in the amount of ONE MILLION USD has been stolen from myself and my client by some US citizens of seemingly ill intentions.

More than a year ago, I was introduced to Mr. Steven Allan Vendetti, a resident of Puyallup, WA by Mr. Chuck Cauble, who is a resident of Encino, CA. Of course, they all claim to be Christians and men of God; they are EXTREMELY cordial with you, until they get your funds. Mr. Vendetti can certainly "talk the talk", he knows of the names, the places, the people etc., but when it is time to "walk the walk" he fails badly. The scenario was, that they had over USD$400,000,000 in commodities (specifically, Gold) for which 2 (two) banks were offering a credit line in the amount of USD$100,000,000. I was told that they simply needed the funds to finance the insurance, storage fees and travel expenses necessary for arranging the credit. I was also told that since there were 2 banks in place with the offer, this would only take a matter of weeks to complete.

These funds were immediately moved to an account of Mr. Vendetti's, The Richard Steven's Company, which I believe is headed by himself and a Mr.Richard (Dick) Albright (see contact information below). For sourcing the funds (one million US dollars), I was promised return of funds and 147% interest payment for one full year. The first payment would be forthcoming within 45 (forty-five) days (which attachment will show).

Further, I signed a ONE-YEAR agreement with Mr. Steven Allan Vendetti, which became due and payable on June 4th, 2001.

Attachment 4 (copy of wire transfer, titled Copy-Wire Transfer) will show that the amount of one million USD was sent to an account at the London branch of the Hong Kong Bank of East Asia, set up by a Mr. H Eugene Mac Dowell.

Afore-mentioned wire transfer clearly states on line 72 that the beneficiaries were Horizon Interactive Credit Union, LLC (owned then by myself) and the client, Blue Storm Inc, also as the ordering customer on line 50.

Needless to say Mr. Witheld, EVERYTHING has gone wrong since!! The last time I spoke to Mr. Vendetti was in December 2000 during a conference call with Mr. Chuck Cauble. Mr. Vendetti was supposedly in Zurich completing the transaction, during said conversation, I specifically asked if this transaction was going to be completed by Christmas that year, I was answered an ADAMANT "YES".

This, of course, has not been the case. None of the people involved in the supposed transaction will respond to my phone messages, email or faxes.

The reason, whenever I felt that this transaction was going awry and became upset, they did not like it, each time I stood up for myself, they did not like it. So, it has become the "norm" to simply ignore me! I have been "steam-rollered" and swept under the carpet and forgotten.

I have gotten Mr. Stephen (phone:Witheld), a close and personal friend of mine who lives within commuting distance of Mr. Vendetti involved. Mr. Stephen was instrumental in setting up a meeting with Mr. Vendetti (September 24th, 2001) and is aware of the situation and has been also assisting in the recovery of above-mentioned funds.

He also lives close to Mr. Vendetti (Gig Harbor, WA), I am told about less than an hour's drive. He had a meeting with Mr. Vendetti on Monday September 24th, 2001 and candidly informed me that Mr. Vendetti attempted to put "holes" in my boat.

It would seem that Mr. Vendetti's ship is sinking with all aboard and he is attempting to make me look as if I was wrong to invest funds with them, well how very stupid, if that does not make him look bad, I do not know what does!!

He indicated to Mr. Barry that I KNEW it was "risk" capital and therefore it does not matter HOW long it takes or whether I get it back or not and gave him the same story I got last year, that is, it looks like they would be ready to repay by years' end, I HAVE HEARD THAT STORY BEFORE!!

Mr. Witheld, there were (I was told) 2 banks offering credit lines, first payment was forthcoming in 45 days and his friend Mark had families in banking in several countries and the investment capital was to be secured by an assignment of collateral!!

I may have been stupid to trust these CHRISTIANS but I was not led to believe that I was taking any risks (attachment 1 also states that funds were for financing credit line and was a LOAN which was to be secured by an assignment of collateral within twenty-four hours from receipt of funds). To be very honest, even if I did take a risk, said risk ended after the one-year period matured and expired! In a nutshell, here are the events (few) in chronological order:

1. I did not receive the assignment of collateral promised within twenty-four hours and to date, have not received same. This was the first breach of the Agreement.

2. With regard to the agreement signed, sealed and duly executed by Mr. Vendetti and myself, he was in breach for a second time when after 45 International banking days (including grace period) no payments were received!

3. Mr. Vendetti stands in breach a third time when after the completion of one year, funds including interest were not returned.

4. Mr. Vendetti is currently in breach, since no consent in writing or otherwise was given for an extension which he now enjoys.

5. He has failed to perform in any of the terms and conditions discussed and agreed to and now fail to respond to my inquiries of repayment, in this regard, *see below, the law of the land has spoken against this behavior.

6. Is this the American way Mr. Witheld? Is this justice? Is this how foreign investors are treated in the US?

7. I have made several attempts to contact these gentlemen via phone, fax and email, (Mr. Vendetti never answers his phone, he has caller ID and only picks up when he recognizes the voice on his messaging service, Mr. Cauble has his wife answer, at his Company, BCR Enterprises and passes on the same old excuses month after month) I have made demand after demand for the return of funds, I have a complete portfolio. I have had no response!!!

Can you assist in any way; suggestions, comments and advice will be greatly appreciated. Following is the contact information I have for a few of the individuals:

1. Steven Allan Vendetti, 6210-90 St., Court E, Puyallup, WA 98371

Phone: (253) 770-0523;

Fax: (253) 770-0542;

Cell: (253) 431-1252;


2. The Richard Stevens Company Ltd., 6308 Shincke Rd., NE Olympia, WA 98506, or P.O. Box 98724 Tacoma, WA 98498-0724.

Federal ID NO. 91-1593264.

Phone: (360) 491-3665;

Fax: (360) 438-9601.

Dick Albright is also involved in this Company, I was told by Mr. Vendetti that Mr. Albright is the one who dots the i's and crosses the t's.

3.Chuck Cauble, BCR Enterprises.

Phone: (818) 830-7405;

Fax: (818)830-7415;


4. Dick Albright, 9401 Cook Court E, Lacey, WA 98516.

Phone: (360)413-7854;


In closing sir, may I suggest that there is a case to be called here, I refer you to the *U.S. vs. Tweel 550 F2nd 297 299-300 and I quote: "Silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or when an inquiry is left unanswered would be intentionally misleading......We cannot condone this shocking conduct.... If that is the case, we hope our message is clear. This sort of deception will not be tolerated and if this is routine, it should be corrected immediately".

The Supreme law of the land has responded to his actions. His allegations (any and all) of "high risk" is null and void due to fraud and deception. It is time to rein in his ring of deception and misdeeds. There is no statue of limitation on fraud and time is on my side. It is my intention to prosecute these men to the fullest extent of the law!!

Sincerely, Withheld

cc Stephen Barry, Chuck Cauble, Steven Vendetti, Dick Albright, Stephen G Smith.

From: "STEPHEN G. SMITH" <> | Block Address | Add to Address Book


Subject: Re: TRT-HIICU -1.0

Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 21:23:01 -0700

Thank you for your reminder. I have discussed your matter with Mr. Vendetti and he is not willing/able to entertain any further agreements with you at this point. He did indicate that he anticipates having the ability to repay this in the not too distant future. While you may consider your previous missives to be righteously indignant he takes the position that they are borderline extortive. Each has his own thoughts on the nature of the agreement and in the normal course one does not threaten criminal sanctions to recover on a business loan. Despite the threats Mr. Vendetti has assured me he will keep me advised so that I can convey messages to yourself regarding this financial matter.

In regard to the FBI or any other official who is interested in inquiring into this matter Mr. Vendetti stands ready to respond to those inquiries.

>From: Withheld


>CC: Stephen G Smith , stevenvendetti , James Kramer-Wilt

>Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 13:45:21 -0800 (PST)

> >Law Offices of >Stephen G. Smith

>800 Bellevue Way N.E., 4th, Floor >Bellevue, WA 98004

>Telephone: (425) 453-0250

>Fax: (425) 898-9284


> >December 6th, 2001

> >Re: Agreement Transaction Code TRT-HIICU-1.0 dated >04-06-00


>Attention: Mr. Stephen G. Smith >

>Dear Mr. Smith,

>In reference to the above-mentioned agreement, communication was sent to your office, in response to your fax dated June 5th, 2001, on November 22nd, 2001. In regard to this communication, two (2) weeks were given as a deadline (December 6th, 2001) for receiving word from your office with a view to establishing an amicable solution for the smooth closure of this transaction. This letter was cc’d to your client, as it was to others who are now involved in the execution of this agreement.

Please be advised that to date, I have not heard from yourself or your client regarding my offer for the facilitating of the extension requested. I made it very clear that I would not move forward to granting any such extensions if my terms/conditions were not met. I also made it clear that there were other people now involved in the execution of this agreement.

Please understand that during conversations with your client and Mrs. Cauble, in the past, I was told that if the FBI were to come calling, they would wave a copy of the agreement in their faces, in the context that they had until June 4th, 2001. This is no longer the case and said agreement is being further breached by extensions which were NOT AGREED TO as per paragraph 9 of said agreement.

Your client has the notion that a legal situation would take anywhere from 3-5 years in court (thereby the hope of “buying” more time). While this may be so, what he does not know, is that I have made a strong appeal to the authorities for his detention while awaiting trial, in as much as I would hate to see another innocent, unsuspecting entrepreneur being scammed like I was!

This was sufficient grounds for my suggestion that he be remanded in custody until trial, to be considered and a case will be presented to the prosecution in this regard. I was made aware by the authorities, that a full investigation into this transaction would more than likely place a cease and desist on said transaction and will also cause the greatest of scrutiny into your client’s activities.

Mr. Smith, I know that this is not what your client would want but over the many months of his silence and uncooperativeness and certainly his gross mismanagement of terms and clauses of this agreement, I am left with no other choice but to allow the law and justice to take its course immediately! After all, HE OWES ME, I do not owe him and he continues to breach this agreement at every turn!! Surely as an attorney, you must know that this is not just.

In closing, I am sending copies of this communication to the other people I am working with and if I do not hear from your office by the end of the business day tomorrow (December 7th, 2001), I will ask the FBI to take over. No one can say that I did not bend over backwards to facilitate a smooth closure to this matter!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely, Withheld

More information on Steven Vendetti:

DOB 12-3-53

Address: 6210-90 St., Court E Puyallup, WA 98371

Phone: (253) 770 - 0523

Fax: (253) 770 - 0542

Cell: (253) 225 - 8031


Companies owned

Synesis Corporation, a Delaware Company Incorporated 4/21/95. Dissolved 4/30/96 - Failure to Report.

Business Address: 2916 147th Ave SE, PO Box 98724, Tacoma, 98498.

Telephone 253-535-2328

Other Directors:

Michael Risseay dob 3/5/55, and Steve Pontnak dob 7/18/54

Earle Michael Sanford Co, LTD

6723 146th St SW

PO Box 98724

Tacoma, WA 98498

Telephone 253-584-2802

Incorporated 11/18/91

Active Close Corporation

The Richard Stevens Company, Limited

6308 Shincke Rd. NE

Olympia, WA 98506

Phone: (360) 491-3665 Facsimile: (360) 438-9601

Name : The Richard Stevens Company, Ltd.

Bank Name : Key Bank

Bank Address : Martin Way Key Center 3611 Margin Way, Olympia, WA 98506

Account Number : 471281002017

Account Name : The Richard Stevens Company, Ltd.

ABA Number : 125000574

Swift Code : KEYBUS33

Copy of Agreement

Copy of Wire Transfer

Copy of Debt Recovery Filed

Copy of Collection Filed

Interpol Contact-This could be from a fraudulent author (I cannot be certain, however if genuine, it tells a lot about the subject!

Interpol Communications-Again...IF this is from a genuine source!

Please note: In order to view Copies of Agreement and Wire Transfer you will need to have eFax viewer (a free download at In order to view Copy of Debt Recovery, you will need to have an imaging program (e.g. Corel or Kodak etc).

All files have been triple checked (using 3 different Anti Virus programs!) for viruses and completely safe to download and open!
