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Note: Though the above says web 'page', this isn't really a 'page' so much as a 'site'. Well, technically, its not a 'page', its more a 'screen dispaying stuff that might be theoretically on a 'page' if this 'page' was a real 'page' and not some compilation of computer graphic pixels, with confusing computerised 'links' to other 'pages' much like it - in terms of software-like-ness, anyway'. That said, since this 'page' is just this 'page', and, although it is linked to other 'pages', this 'page' is not those 'pages' its just this one, then it is a 'page'. So there!

Word of the Week


For week beginning Sunday, 28th September, 2003

See Previous!
I recently went on my parent's house near Cape Naturaliste, and took the following photos of the wildflowers that were blooming at the time. Considering this was the first time I was using my digital camera's more special type feature than simply point-and-click, I was rather impressed with the results. Yes.

This log is your log
This log is my log
When lightening struck it
It kicked the bucket - The Simpsons

Pictures of flowers, by Splerk

About the Creator

Despite the above, this segment isn't really about 'The Creator' at all. Why, then, I don't hear you ask, but can imagine that you are probably thinking (possibly), is this section called that which it is called? Well, because it IS about the creator of this confusing compilation of pixellated graphic modules that I call my web site.
".........that we call the Matrix." - Morpheus, The Matrix
And, despite what you are doubtlessly not thinking, my real name is not Splerk. However, you can learn hardly anything about my alter-ego, who is not Splerk, by viewing superficial facts about this non-Splerk type person. Me.
"It's like looking into a mirror, only.........not." - Castor Troy, Face Off
Not Splerk