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Song Of Twilight

It was I who found this wonder first,

While ambling through the trees.

Noises from yonder wood burst,

As I crept closer on hands and knees.

Shadows lazily tickled the dusk,

Making the moonbeams dance.

Flowers puffed their heedy musk,

Wood nymphs laughed and pranced.

A spell was cast 'bout my head,

Pixie dust sprinkled upon my brow,

Rational thought from my mind fled,

Every nuance of then,and of now.

Cast upon a cloud of dreams,

Blissfully obscure from all thought,

Where things are never as they seem,

And hardships are nary wrought.

The ambiance of night comforts me,

And I am able to restfully sleep.

I know,now,where my comfort will be,

When discord upon me quietly creeps.
