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Welcome one and all, to Pokemon Thunder, my site on pokemon, don't expect any guides to the games or a pokedex here, other sites already have that done bigger, better, and more efficient than I could ever be, so rather than trying to compete with what is clearly better than what I can do, i'll put links to the aforementioned guides and pokedex, etc. My objective for this site is to be a personal log of all my battles on GSbot, and other battles that I found interesting, also, I will post my teams and other teams (with the permission of the owners of the teams). Last, but not least (:-P) I wish to organise tournaments using this site as a centre for my own, and other peoples (if it could work) tournaments, anyhoo, enough of this BS, and on with the site, I hope you enjoy what i have made with this site, any comments, complaints, suggestions and/or compliments :-D can be made to the following E-mail address.

Site Contents and Off-Site Links


Battle Logs


R.E League Gyms

Meowth346's Pokedex

TPM Damage Calculator

Disgaea Guide