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The official Poets of Tomorrow website


Hello,hello...the demo has progressed although no updates have appeared on the website.Niko has recorded guitars for Mr.Jameson,I should and a third song.The title for the track is still a mystery...Also a few gigs have been planned for early next year but nothing is certain yet. We'll try to put up somekind of a Diary section on this site so each one of us can write something to our fans. Hopefully it will be here soon.Take care and (tip of the week:) ) check out the new album "BE" from Pain of Salvation:) Oh and the email address is still .


Last sunday we recorded the drum tracks in Pieksämäki. The demo will have 6 (six) tracks on it and yes, Mr.Jameson is one of the songs on it:)It's one of my personal favourites.Anyway, the demo making backfired a bit since some f*cking c*nt broke into Niko's car and stole the cd with the drumtracks on it. In middle of the day. We'll get a new copy of the drumtracks in a few days and then Niko will start recording the guitars. More about it later. By the way,check out the new Megadeth album "The system has failed"! And don't miss the new King Diamond album next week!


Long time with no updates...the summer is over and demos of the tracks for the coming ep is ready:) We'll start recording the drum tracks next month(the second sunday I think it was) and it should be ready in november. Five tracks are going to be on it. One of them is I Should. It's a classic:) We rehearsed on wednesday and we got a cool set. A few covers(Lynyrd Skynyrd, Black Label Society...) and lots of our own stuff. I'll try to put a mp3 of a new song as soon as possible. Enough said. The new Annihilator album "All for you" is excellent!


Rehearsals are over and we did rock:) The set sounds great and Jussi (our new bassplayer) is amazing. As I said earlier he knows the songs better than us. We got songs for the new demo and we'll start recording it next month. We haven't decided yet which songs are going to be on the demo.We have a lot to choose from. "I Should" is probably one of them...more later...


Second day of rehearsel behind us and I can tell you, the set sounds awesome!Jussi knows the songs better than us:)More later...


Whoa!We're back! We've been working on our new set which will consist of two parts. Acoustic and electric.We've got an excellent set of music coming up! Just wait and see. We have a new bassplayer also in the band.More info on that later...I'll put more samples of our new songs soon so be sure to come back later. And write us.Keep those excellent emails coming:)Oh,and the new site is almost ready.


New material for the new demo is available on the mp3 section. The song is called "10000 times a day".Check it out a write us what you think about it.


Poets of Tomorrow is playing a gig in Jyväskylä 15.3.2002. It's a rock festival called - ROCK INN -. Tickets are 3e for one day and 5e for 2 days. Poets will be playing on saturday. The official website can be found at .The set will include at least these songs : I ShouldYou, I Try, Blue, Mr.Jameson, Wake up, Rise & Shine, Dangerous Signs and many more. Tell us what you would like to hear us play!