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History behind the name

History Behind the Name

How did I come up with "Phantom Dennis Smores"?

Well, his name is Dennis Amores. I got "Phantom Dennis" from Angel. He is Cordy's ghostly roommate. (If your not familiar with Angel, then you're proberly wondering how-and why- she has a ghost as a roommate.)

Well, to make a long story short: his mother was jealous and didn't like his girlfriend. She sealed him inside one of the walls in the apartment, where he later died. After his mother died, she haunted the place and tried to kill anyone who lived there. Angel Invesgations took care of his mother's ghost, and set Dennis free.
Nicknamed "Phantom Dennis" by Cordy, he now lives in that same apartment with her, and helps Cordy and Angel Invesgations from time to time.

The nickname "smores" came in a bit later. The one time when I had to go see Dennis, my mom asked me if I remember what his last name was (it's a denist school, so there are a lot of other dentists there.) My younger brothers and sister were screaming at the same time, so I didn't quite hear what she said.
So instead of "Amores" it sounded like "Smores".

After that, it stuck.

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