*****UMMM----THE DOG ATE MY WEBPAGE SO I HAVE TO MAKE IT ALL OVER AGAIN, ok the truth is i just got started on this webpage, so it will take a while to get it running*****Hey guys this is nikk wongs homepage, its hosted by angelfire, and its pretty coo---- actually it stinks my site is under construction right now is there aren't many avalable links and such, come back in a few days or something cause im always working on it,i guarntee you that it will rock and stuff, and it will probally have many spelling and grammer mistakes, cause if you kno me, im not the brightest person that u've ever seen. So come back soon cause it'll be cool! Uhhhhh maybe, see ya, ;) signed: yours truly !!nikk wong!!P.S:Uhh if there is anything you like about this site or want to complain about complain at nickwong10@yahoo.com ------buh bye!
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