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My Baby

Hi Babe!
Here is a website just for you Honey love!! It's a tribute to my wonderful wonderful Cody!! I hope you were being honest when you said you liked sap... because this page is full of it :0) All true though... So Enjoy it beautiful!!
On our Anniversary, I just wanted to let you know how special and wonderful you are and how much you mean to me...
So, I tried to make a list of all the things I love about you...and even with my horrible memory, I managed to come up with a lot :0) Guess you are just the perfect eh? So, Here it is babe

75 Thing I love about you

Up First: Your Delicious Outside

I adore:

Your beautiful, handsom, amazingly adorable Face
Your libidinous body!!
Your gorgious eyes
Your lovely smile
Your increibly style’in facial hair
Your sexy voice
How you look in a suit… Oh yeah…
How gorgious you are when you sleep ( …when you arent snoring… ;0)….)
How incribinly cute you are
Your lovely smile
Your "Muscle Man" (in progress) build ;0)
How you can look like a badass, and be an angel all at the same time
Your Remarkably soft and smooth skin... Divine :0)
Incredible “Cody” smell

And Now: Your Priceless Inside and winning personality :0)

I love:

Your warm and kinds heart… Awww…
Your compassion for others
Your conern for others
Your thoughtfullness
Your generosity
The way you are constanly unselfish; and never complain
The fact you are so easygoing
Your openmidness
That you are so flexible...Its a very good quality
Your sensitivity... A man who will cry...and admit it is very sexy....unbeleivably sexy...
Your Fun-loving nature
Your sense of adventure
Your tranquil aura… lol
Your Non-Violent attitude
Your impecible self control...
Your strong personality
Your honesty
Your openess and willingness to share (appreciated even if not always recipricated ;0)…)
Your pacience… Another thing I don’t think we would survive without… One of the highest ranking virtues in my book and you my love, are wonderfully patient!
Your curiosity… It turns me on… Seriously...
Your resiliance; if not for it, I don’t think we could survive together
Your rationality; God know one of us needs to be rational
Your ability to find joy in other peoples happiness
Your sense of humor
Your persistance

I love the way you make me feel... More specifically...

I adore:

The way you make me feel like I your one and only
How you can make me smile…Even when im sad...
The way you make me feel like a princess
The way you make me happy, plain and simple :0)
The way you make me feel comfotable with myself and my body: I never have and don’t think I’ll ever find another person who could make me feel like I’ll be accepted no matter what.
The way you make me feel sexy… which feels soooo good, btw

And Some other great things about you that need mentioning...

I love:

Your superb stamia in bed… :0P
Your inveunetabily to p.e. …thank goodness…lol…
Your touch… You just cant go wrong…
How adorable you are when you play with your puppy
The fact you love mom so much… Its sweet beyond belief
You veigatrian lifestyle… Like iv said…. Sexy Sexy Sexy
Your admirable uniquness
Your authenticity...You are one of the very least fake people iv ever known :0)
The fact you see so highly evolved... You know what i mean... You are very far from being primal...For a man ;0)
Your impressive math skills… Hey, It’s a good thing
Your cooking skills!
Your almost anything
Your far, and widespread talent: I am happy for you that you are better than me at so many things!!
Your phenomenal artisic side
Your romantic side…I’v never known a romantic ;0)
Your French Waiter, Chez Cody, Side ;0)
The way you get me to lossen up...or try to( with…or without alcohol…)I need it...
The way you listen
The way you are open to criticism and suggestion and you never react negitively...Unlike some of us :0)
Your focus… It makes your food better, your sexing better, and everything you do… oh so good… And you look...again... Incredibly sexy... when you are focused...
The fact you seem to be unaffected by embarassment; You arent afraid to do or say so many things that others would find too embaressing to do…
The fact that you’ll try pretty much anything once..
The way you believe in me...
The way you are always there for me
The way you compliment me... I might not beleive it all the time... But, its so nice to hear anyways :0)
The fact you are so of empathetic...Iv really never met somebody who was able to feel so much empathy for others...
Your abiltiy to act and think autonomously and the way try to encourage others to as well…
Your abiltiy to act and think autonomously and the way try to encourage others to as well...
The way you look at me

And all those wonderful things you've done for me...and do for me... count for something too... Let me see...

You've biked to the store for buy ingredients to then slave over a hot stove to cook for me... for absolutly no special reason :0)
You've made me more candellight dinners than i will ever deserve :0)
You've set up an incedibly sweet birthday suprise for me... Complete with an amazing cake and everything...
You've won me so many cute stuffed animals and bought all kinds of wonderful stuff
You stay up until i fall asleep... which is one of the cutest things ever...
You deal with me when i am an emotional wreck
You watch idiotic soap operas with me
You Dance with me... I adore that...
You come shopping with me
You spoil me with massages, spoon sessions and everything else unmentionable...
You always do me little favors for me (such as getting my glasses for me (wherever i left

Hope you enjoyed my list of endless flatery... But, you deserve every word of it... I'm sure there are more wonderful things to write about you... But, this is about as much as time would allow me to write...
You know you are special when your girl learns HTML for you!! :0)

you Babe!!